
Português (pt-PT)


University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)
Alameda da Universidade
Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9.15am - 1.15pm and 2pm - 5pm



(00351) 21 792 00 92







Maria Eduarda de Oliveira Monteiro de Melo Cabrita

Research Group:  Translation and Reception Studies (RG 6)
Professional Title: Lecturer
Academic Degrees: (1988). MA in Anglo-American Studies, English Literature,U Lisboa; (1981). Four-year degree in Germanic Philology, U Lisboa.
Institutional Address: CEAUL - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Research Projects:

  • (2007-...). Intercultural Literature in Portugal, 1930-2000: A Critical Bibliography. Coord: ARRosa (CEAUL/ULICES), Teresa Seruya and Maria Lin Moniz (CECC-UCP). Researcher.

Research Outputs

Publications in peer reviewed journals and/or other publications:

  • (2012). “EIL in Legal and Medical Portuguese: Contracts and Medical Research Articles” (Co-aut: IFMealha). Anglo-Saxónica. Series: III. Nr.4: 53-72.

Books and book chapters of international circulation:

  • (2012). “English as a lingua franca in legal translation: the early stages of a research project”. In Beatrice Fisher and Matilde Nisbeth Jensen (Eds.) Translation and the Reconfiguration of Power Relations: Revisiting Role and Context of Translation and Interpreting. Wien: LIT Verlag, 205-220.
  • (2010). “Mind the Gap: Error-Correction Strategies and Procedures” (Co-auth.: Conceição Moleiro Berrad). In Juan de Dios Martínez Agudo (Ed.) Errors in the Second Language Classroom: Corrective Feedback. Málaga: Ediciones Aljibe, 165-187.
  • (2008). “Using the MI Theory to Teach Intelligently: Literature, Poetry and Art in the EFL Classroom”. In Melinda Dooly (Ed.) “How we’re going about it”: teachers’ voices on innovative approaches to teaching and learning languages. Newcasle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 269-280.

Books, including single-authored works (including scholarly editions of oral or written texts and translations with introductions and commentary):

  • (2011). Translation of Mark Henderson Genética. 50 Ideias que precisa mesmo de saber (Collab: IFMealha, Scient. revision: Maria Luísa Breitenfeld). Lisboa: Dom Quixote
  • (2008-2009) Scient. co-revision (with IFMealha) of the English school books Profile (8th Year), Cool Zone (8th and 9th Years), Link up (10th and 11th Years), published in 2008 by Texto Editores and Link up (12th Year) published in 2009 by Leya Texto Editores.

Chapters in books, including contributions to conference proceedings, contributions to festschriften, essays in collections:

  • (2012). “Turning the camera on herself: Cindy Sherman in the EFL classroom” (Co-auth: IFMealha). In CVFerreira et al.  ‘A Scholar for all Seasons.’ Homenagem a João de Almeida Flor. Lisboa: CEAUL, 367-381.
  • (2009). “Told in Letters: An Approach to Letter Writing through Vermeer’s Paintings” (Co-auth: IMealha). In ‘So Long Lives This, and This Gives Life to Thee’. Homenagem a Maria Helena de Paiva Correia. (Org: CEAUL/ULICES). Lisboa: DEA-FLUL, 211-225.

Other research outputs:

  • (2010). “Intercultural communication within the Portuguese legal framework. A contrastive study of the use of legal English and legal Portuguese. In other words... The road not taken when getting to Ithaca.” 22nd CETRA International Doctoral Summer School in Translation Studies, KU Leuven, 16-26 Aug.

Organisation of scientific dissemination activities:

  • (2012). Org. Committee Charles Dickens bicentenary celebrations Charles Dickens in Portugal (Scient. supervision and coord: AARosa and JAFlor), U Lisboa / Cinemateca Portuguesa, Feb-Mar. (CEAUL/ULICES).
  • (2011). Org. Committee Int. Conf. Life Down Under: Australian Literature and Culture Today, U Lisboa, 14-15 Feb. (ULICES/CEAUL)
  • (2011). Org. Committee of an exhibition on Australian Aboriginal, Instituto Camões, 14-25 Feb. (ULICES/CEAUL).
  • (2009). Org. Committee Int. Conf. on Canadian Literature and Culture From Sea to Sea, U Lisboa, Nov. (CEAUL/ULICES).
  • (2008). Org. Committee Narrating the Portuguese Diaspora 1928-2008: Int. Conf. on Storytelling, U. Lisboa. 21-23 Oct. (CEAUL/ULICES).

Other activities:

  • (2009) VII Escuela Internacional de Verano de Terminologia, IULATERM, U Pompeu Fabra, 6-10 July. Alumna.

Presentations in international conferences:

  • (2011). “The Impact of ELF on European Portuguese: English as the Lingua Franca of Law and Medicine” (Co-auth: IFMealha). 4th Int. Conf.English as a Lingua Franca (ELF4), Hong Kong Inst. of Education, 26-28 May.

Presentations in national conferences:

  • (2013). “The Impact of English on target language specialised discourse: law and medicine” (Co-auth: IFMealha). 1st ULICES Conf. on Translation Studies Voice in Indirect Translation, U Lisboa, 10-11 Jul.
  • (2013). “A multiplicidade das inteligências no ensino-aprendizagem de uma segunda língua” (Co-auth: IFMealha). Conf. Primeiros passos para a mudança na educação do século XXI, U Lisboa, 1 Feb.
  • (2010). “A Multiple-Intelligences approach to a short story” (Co-auth: IFMealha and MLFalcão). 24th of the APPI Conf. Highlighting Key Skills in Language Learning, Guimarães, 30 Ap-2 May.

Future research:

  • (2007-…). Intercultural Literature in Portugal, 1930-2000: A Critical Bibliography. Coord: ARRosa (CEAUL/ULICES) Teresa Seruya and Maria Lin Moniz (CECC-UCP). Researcher.
  • (2013). “If foreignisation comes, can domestication be far behind? The case of legal and medical translation” (Co-auth.: IFMealha). 7th Colloquium on Translation Studies in Portugal, Int. Conf. 1813-2013 Two Centuries of Reading Friedrich Schleiermacher’s seminal text “About the Different Methods of Translation”, U Lisboa, 24-25 Oct. (CECC-ULICES).
  • (2010-...). Comunicação intercultural no contexto jurídico português: um estudo comparativo do uso de linguagem jurídica em inglês e português. (Intercultural Communication in the Portuguese Legal Context: A Comparative Study of Legal English and Legal Portuguese). (Supervisor: AARosa), U Lisboa (PhD in Intercultural and Translation Studies).
  • (Forthcomig). “Challenges facing pre-service ESP teacher education: legal and medical English” (Co-auth: IFMealha and RQBarros). In Juan de Dios Martínez Agudo (Ed.) Issues and Perspectives on English Language Teacher Education: Facing New Challenges.
  • (2014-2020). SCI-TECH in Trans: The dynamics of EN<->PT translation and reception of non-literary texts in Portugal. Coord.: KBenett and FFAlves (CEAUL/ULICES).




University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)

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