ISSN: 0873-0628
Álvaro Pina 9
Spiritual Evolutionism: British Scientists, Phychical Research and Spiritualism in the late 19th Century Filipe Furtado 15
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Bat… Antonieta Correia 27
Counter-Imperial Masculinity: The Case of Wilfrid Scawen Blunt John Hawley 39
Knights Gone to Pieces - Problematic Masculinities Mário José B. Raposo 51
Manliness, Character and the Making of the British Empire Iolanda Freitas Ramos 65
Reading the Tibetan Diaspora: 'Culture' and 'Nation' as Strategic Construct Dibyesh Anand 75
Problems and Challenges of Women Living in Soweto - Namuwongo. A Deprived Suburb of Kampala City - Uganda Alice Kagoda 93
Millicent Garrett Fawcett: Patriotism and the Women's Suffrage Movement Paula Cristina Lampreia Lopes Pinto Duarte 111
Mona Caird's Bridge Over Troubled Water Marília Gil Martins 125
The Imperial Gaze of Victorian Women in Cyprus in the late 19th Century Nora Liassis 137
Imperial Power: Flora Annie Steel (1847-1929) and Pandita Ramabai (1858-1922) Maria Isabel Mascarenhas 155
Orwell and the Englishness Stephen Ingle 165
The Antepast of Heaven. Women's Last Resort? Hélio Osvaldo Alves 187
Re-Visioning Britishness: The Teaching of Democracy in British Schools Today Manuela Guilherme 197
'Who is it I am now?' Shifting Notions of Citizenship in Nadine Gordimer's July's People (1981) and J. M. Coetzee's Life & Times of Michael K (1983) Bernardo Vasconcelos 207
Atemporalities and Liberations, Apart from those 'in the middle of the night': Kiberd's Post-Colonialism, Irish Cultural Nationalism, and O'Faolain's 'Way? Irene Cristina de M. Portela 223