
Português (pt-PT)
João de Mancelos (collaborator)

Research Group: American Studies - Interfacing Cultures and Identities (RG5)
Profissional Title: Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of Portugal (Viseu), currently on unpaid leave in order to work on a post-doctoral project in the field of Literary Studies.

Institutional Address: Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Estrada da Circunvalação, 3504-505 Viseu, Portugal
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Research Projects:

  • Collaborator of RG5: American Studies: Interfacing Cultures and Identities.

Academic Degrees:

  • Doctorate, American Literature, Portuguese Catholic University, 7 January 2003. Thesis: O Espírito da Terra na Obra de Toni Morrison, Rudolfo Anaya e Joy Harjo, under the supervision of Maria Irene Ramalho.
  • Master’s Degree, Anglo-American Studies, University of Coimbra, 11 June 1996. Dissertation: Mito, Literatura e Linguagem em A Ponte de Hart Crane, under the supervision of Maria Irene Ramalho.  
  • First degree in Modern Languages and Literatures (English and Portuguese), University of Aveiro, 19 June 1992.


  • Book: O Marulhar de Versos Antigos: A Intertextualidade em Eugénio de Andrade. Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 2009 (184 pp., ISBN: 978-972-772-870-1).
  • “Old Spells, Magic Herbs and Frightening Creatures: The Curandera in Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima”. The Apothecary's Chest: Magic, Art and Medication. Ed. Konstantina Georganta, Fabienne Collignon and Anne-Marie Millim. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. 41-48.
  • “Getting Away with Murder: Why Do Criminals Succeed and Detectives Fail in Neo-Noir Films?”. Success and Failure: Essays from the 29th APEAA Conference at the University of Aveiro. Ed. Anthony Barker, David Callahan, and Maria Aline Ferreira. Aveiro: Departamento de Línguas e Culturas da Universidade de Aveiro, 2009. 179-188.
  • “Walt Whitman e os Pássaros: A Presença do Autor de Leaves of Grass num Texto de Eugénio de Andrade”. Itinerários: Revista de Estudios Lingüísticos, Literarios, Históricos y Antropológicos (Instituto de Estudos Ibéricos e Ibero-Americanos da Universidade de Varsóvia), vol. 8, 2008: 215-221.
  • “O Rumor de Versos Antigos: A Presença de Walt Whitman na Poesia de Eugénio de Andrade”. Actas do Colóquio Diálogos com a Lusofonia. Varsóvia: Instituto de Estudos Ibéricos e Ibero-Americanos da Universidade de Varsóvia, 2008. 203-212. <http://iberystyka-uw.home.pl/content/view/345/113/lang,pl/>
  • “O Baile das Palavras Negras: A Dança como Performance Ritual no Romance Beloved, de Toni Morrison”. Revista de Letras da Universidade Estadual de São Paulo, vol. 47, n. 2, 2007: 121-131.
  • “When the Beasts Spoke: The Ecopoetics of Joy Harjo”. The Endangered Planet in Literature. Ed. Barry Tharaud, and Elizabeth Pallitto. Istanbul:  Dogus University, 2007. 100-106.
  • “Real Power is in Compassion: An Unpublished Interview with Joy Harjo”. BAS: British and American Studies, vol. XII. Timisoara: Editura Universitatii de Vest, 2006. 205-208.
  • “The Construction, Destruction and Reconfiguration of a Community in Toni Morrison’s Sula”. Narrating the Other: Cultures and Perspectives. Ed. Wojciech Kalaga and Marzena Kubisz. Czestochowa, Poland: Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Szkoly Lingwistycznej, 2005. 115-122.
  • “Rudolfo Anaya, O génio do lugar” (prefácio). Abençoa-me, Ultima, de Rudolfo Anaya. Trad. de Nuno Batalha. Lisboa: Nova Vega, 2005. 7-13.


a) Courses taken abroad:

  • Summer Course: Theatre to Cinema, 15 Credit Units, Media and Arts Department, University of Luton, United Kingdom, July 2005.
  • Summer Course: Creative Writing, Grade A, 15 Credit Units, Media and Arts Department, University of Luton, United Kingdom, 5-23 July 2004.

b) Courses given abroad:

  • Short Story Creative Writing, Institute of Iberian and Spanish American Studies, at the invitation of the University of Warsaw, 25-29 May 2009 (5 sessions, 3 hours each, for teachers and students of the University of Warsaw)

  c) Papers presented abroad:

  • “Pintar com Palavras: As Artes Plásticas na Poesia de Eugénio de Andrade”. Institute of Iberian and Spanish-American Studies, University of Warsaw, 28 May 2009.
  • “Deafened by the Roar of Its Own History: Género, Memória e Identidade no Romance Paradise, de Toni Morrison”. Self, Memory and Expression: 30th Annual APEAA Conference. APEAA and University of Porto, 19-21 Feb. 2009.
  • “Uma Nova Abordagem Interdisciplinar: Da Escrita Criativa aos Estudos Crítico-Criativos”. Culturas Literárias: Novas Performances e Desenvolvimentos. Portuguese Association of French Studies and University of Aveiro, 2-3 Oct. 2008.
  • “A New Intertheoretical Approach: From Creative Writing to Creative and Critical Studies”. The Relevance of Theory/La Resonance de la Théorie. Centre de Recherches Anglophones, Université de Paris X-Nanterre, 12-14 June 2008.
  • “Getting Away with Murder: Why do Criminals Succeed and Detectives Fail in Neo-Noir Films?” 29th Annual APEEA Conference: Success and Failure. APEAA and University of Aveiro, 17-19 April 2008.
  • “O Rumor de Versos Antigos: A Presença de Walt Whitman na Poesia de Eugénio de Andrade”. Diálogos com a Lusofonia: Um Encontro na Polónia. Luso-Brazilian section of the Institute of Iberian and Spanish-American Studies, University of Warsaw, 10-11 Dec. 2007.
  • “Old Spells, Magic Herbs and Frightening Creatures: The Curandera in Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima”. The Apothecary’s Chest: Magic, Art and Meditation. Arts and Humanities Graduate School, University of Glasgow, 24 Nov. 2007.
  • “Walking Syllable after Syllable: The Art of Travelling in the Poetry of Eugénio de Andrade”. Viajeros y Literatura de Viajes: Trás sus Huellas/On the Trail. International Society for Travel Writing and Department of English Philology, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 19-21 Sept. 2007.
  • “How neo is your noir: The New Gangster Films and the Reinvention/Subversion of that Genre”. The Tenth Nordic Conference for English Studies. Nordic Association of English Studies and the English Department, Bergen University, 24-26 Maio 2007.
  • “O Eco de uma Canção Distante: A Voz de John Keats na Lírica de Eugénio de Andrade”. 28th Annual APEAA Conference: (Ex)changing Voices, Expanding Boundaries. APEAA and University of Évora, 19-20 April 2007.
  • “The Enchanted Moor: Images of the Arab/Other in Portuguese Folklore”. Our Mutual (Mis)Understanding. Institut Superieur de Sciences Humaines de Tunisie de l’Université de El-Manar, Tunis, 1-3 February. 2007
  • “Cinema, Science and Conscience in Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb”. Close Encounters: 4th Biannual Meeting of the Society for Science, Literature and the Arts. SSLA and University of Amsterdam, 13-16 June 2006.
  • “An enemy will teach you how to love: Harjo’s poetry”. 27th International Conference of the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies: Crossroads of History and Culture. APEAA and Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Lisbon New University, Carcavelos, 27-28 April 2006.
  • “When the beasts spoke: The ecopoetics of Joy Harjo”. The Endangered Planet in Literature, The World Association for Studies in Literatures in English (India) and The Department of English Language and Literature, Dogus University, Istanbul, 16-18 Nov. 2005.
  • “Joy Harjo’s discourse of reconciliation”. British and American Studies XV. Department of English, University of Timisoara, 19-21 May 2005.
  • “How to steal horses from the pale faces: A poetics of counter-culture in Joy Harjo”. Literary Beasts in Today’s Writing/Écrire l’Animal Aujourd’hui: Perspectives Interdisciplinaires. Institute of Romance Studies, London Metropolitan University, 16-18 Sept. 2004.
  • “Transfix me with love: Joy Harjo’s discourse of memory and reconciliation”. Memory Haunting Discourse/Discourse Haunting Memory. Karlstads Universitet, 17-20 June 2004.
  • “The ecopoetics of Magic: Joy Harjo’s universal and dreamy places”. Ninth Nordic Conference for English Studies. The Nordic Association for English Studies and Århus Universitet, 27-29 May 2004.
  • “Pecola, Sethe and Baby Suggs: Female bodies used and abused in Toni Morrison’s novels”. The Flesh Made Text: Bodies, Theories and Cultures in the Post-Millenial Era. School of English, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 14-18 May 2003.
  • “Witchcraft, initiation and cultural identity in Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima”. Magi and Magicians: Real and Fictional Figures of Empowerment in the English-Speaking World. Département d’Anglais de la Faculté des Lettres du Institut Catholique de Paris, 11-12 Dec. 2002.
  • “The construction, destruction and reconfiguration of a community in Toni Morrison’s Sula”. Multicultural Dilemmas: Identity-Difference-Otherness. Instytut Kultury i Literatury Brytyjskiej I Ameryka´nskiej, Uniwersytet Slasski, Ustrón, 25-29 Sept. 2002.
  • “Wolves who sing about horses: The Eco-poetics of Joy Harjo”. Creativity, Culture and Environment, Association for the Study of Literature and Environment and University of Leeds, Bretton Hall, 6-8 Sept. 2002.

d) Papers and Essays published abroad:

  • “Old Spells, Magic Herbs and Frightening Creatures: The Curandera in Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima”. The Apothecary's Chest: Magic, Art and Medication. Konstantina Georganta, Fabienne Collignon and Anne-Marie Millim (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. 41-48.
  • “Walt Whitman e os Pássaros: A Presença do Autor de Leaves of Grass num Texto de Eugénio de Andrade”. Itinerários: Revista de Estudios Lingüísticos, Literarios, Históricos y Antropológicos (Institute of Iberian and Spanish-American Studies, University of Warsaw), vol. 8, 2008: 215-221.
  • “O Rumor de Versos Antigos: A Presença de Walt Whitman na Poesia de Eugénio de Andrade”. Proceedings of the Conference Colóquio Diálogos com a Lusofonia. Institute of Iberian and Spanish-American Studies, University of Warsaw, 2008. 203-212. <http://iberystyka-uw.home.pl/content/view/345/113/lang,pl/>
  • “O Baile das Palavras Negras: A Dança como Performance Ritual no Romance Beloved, de Toni Morrison”. Revista de Letras da Universidade Estadual de São Paulo, vol. 47, n. 2, 2007: 121-131.
  • “When the Beasts Spoke: The Ecopoetics of Joy Harjo”. The Endangered Planet in Literature. Barry Tharaud and Elizabeth Pallitto. Istanbul (eds.): Dogus University, 2007. 100-106.
  • “Real Power is in Compassion: An Unpublished Interview with Joy Harjo”. BAS: British and American Studies, vol. XII. Timisoara: Editura Universitatii de Vest, 2006. 205-208.
  • “The Construction, Destruction and Reconfiguration of a Community in Toni Morrison’s Sula”. Narrating the Other: Cultures and Perspectives. Ed. Wojciech Kalaga and Marzena Kubisz. Czestochowa, Poland: Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Szkoly Lingwistycznej, 2005. 115-122.

Supervision of Doctoral Theses and MA Dissertations

a) Doctoral Thesis:

  • Raquel Carolina Madail Pinto Reis. Técnicas de Escrita Criativa para a Criação de Personagens no Romance Biográfico Ficcional, Portuguese Catholic University, Viseu, 2008-present.

b) MA dissertations:

  • Cláudia Catarina Dias Costa. “Como Escrever Romances: Um Manual de Escrita Criativa”, Portuguese Catholic University, Viseu, 8 May 2007. Magna cum laude.
  • Cláudia Rodrigues Matos. “Os Duplos nos Romances de Toni Morrison”, Portuguese Catholic University, Viseu, 15 Mar. 2007. Very Good, Magna cum laude

Other curricular elements:

  • Currently engaged in a post-doctoral project in the area of Literary Studies (Comparative Literatures), benefiting from an FCT Scholarship. Title: “O marulhar de versos antigos: A presença de poetas de língua inglesa na obra de Eugénio de Andrade “(scholarship reference: SFRH/BPD/26752/2006), under the supervision of António Manuel Ferreira, Univeristy of Aveiro.

University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)

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