Principal Investigator: Maria Isabel Barbudo
PAGES, STAGES AND BEYOND - Drama and Film Studies
In keeping with the updated version of the guidelines defined by Fernando de Mello Moser and later on developed by Júlia Dias Ferreira, this Research Group aims at spreading the study of dramatic culture and literature of several periods within the history of the English-speaking world. In order to broaden its scientific scope, this group also aims at including and developing the study of Cinema in English, with special emphasis on its connection with culture, literature and the other arts.
Principal Investigator: Luísa Leal de Faria
The team of researchers that has been commonly known as “Research Group 2”, ever since the beginning of ULICES, has always laid special emphasis on cultural studies. At a time when Literature and Linguistics seemed to monopolise the territory formerly classified under the heading of Philology, the study of “Culture” began to emerge as a comparatively new field of analysis and very quickly moved into interdisciplinary areas that have served to enrich this group’s research themes.
Principal Investigator: Emília Ribeiro Pedro
This research group uses language to analyse the relationship of mutual influence between this and the cultural and social aspects that are inherent in any linguistic practice.
Principal Investigator: Teresa Casal
Set up in 2005, Research Group 4 of the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES) is engaged in research activities centred around four main areas: Interculturalism, Translation, Literary Theory and Inter-Arts Studies.
Principal Investigator: Teresa Ferreira de Almeida Alves
This research group focuses specifically on the area of American Studies, following a methodological approach based on intercultural and interdisciplinary dialogue between discrete cultural subjects — literature and music, autobiography and painting, literature and photography, cinema and other arts, literature and history. The group’s research is also characterized by a strong emphasis on the relationship between the Portuguese and American cultures, as well as on the intercultural and intracultural dynamics of Portuguese American Culture.
Principal Investigator: Luisa Maria Rodrigues Flora
The Modern Difference is a transdisciplinary research programme operating at ULICES (University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies) and created within the area of English Studies. Since it is a research programme that is also intended to intervene in society, it has been designed to reflect, (in)form and act upon the problem of the concepts of equality and difference, identity and otherness and their diverse mutual relations in our modernity, as well as to consider the conflicts originated by these problematic relations. In this first decade of the 21st century, still regarded as an outcome of the individualistic thought shaped throughout the modern age (a thought that in itself haunts individuals who question their own particularity), such (economic, political, social, cultural) problems are spread violently through multiple forms of power politics, filtered by the media, and by financial, industrial, scientific, educational and religious institutions, all of them served by the new technologies.
Principal Investigator: Alexandra Assis Rosa
Research Group 7 was launched in 2007 and focuses on Reception Studies and Descriptive Translation Studies in Portugal in three main areas. Firstly, it participates in a joint project with the Centre for Studies in Communication and Culture of the Catholic University of Portugal (CECC-UCP) entitled “Translating Europe Across the Ages”. This project includes the creation of a critical bibliography of translated literature, published in book form between 1930 and 2000, as well as the study of the effects of censorship on translation and the study of the history of book publication and circulation in Portugal. Secondly, this research group provides a forum for the development of individual projects that comprise research into translational norms regarding linguistic variation in literary and audiovisual texts, the influence of paratexts in translation reading strategies, the role played by translation in importing literary genres or the profile of translators in contemporary Portuguese society. Thirdly, it also comprises projects related with the dissemination in Portuguese of both short stories in English and essays on the short story as a literary genre, working in close cooperation with the Centre of Portuguese Language Literatures of the Universities of Lisbon (CLEPUL) and the Society for the Study of the Short Story.