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Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)
Alameda da Universidade - Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

Horário de atendimento:
2ª a 6ª-feira,

10h00 às 13h00



(00351) 21 792 00 92







Rui Manuel Gomes Carvalho Homem (colaborador)

Grupo de Investigação: Outras Literaturas e Culturas de Expressão Inglesa (GI 4)
Categoria profissional: Professor Catedrático.
Graus Académicos: (2004). Agregação, U Porto; (1994). Doutoramento em Literatura Inglesa, U Porto; Mestrado em Literatura Inglesa, U Lisboa.
Morada institucional: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Via Panorâmica, s/n 4150-564 Porto.
Endereço de correio electrónico: Este endereço de e-mail está protegido de spam bots, pelo que necessita do Javascript activado para o visualizar

Projectos de Investigação:

  • Instituto de Estudos Ingleses (funded by FCT), U Porto. Member.
  • "Shakespeare research and translation project," Instituto de Estudos Ingleses, U Porto. Participant.
  • "Irish Writing and Translation," Irish Studies, Instituto de Estudos Ingleses, U Porto. Coord.
  • (2011-...). CETAPS. Director.
  • (2011-...). Cultures of Commemoration II: Remembering Shakespeare (Scient. Coord: Clara Calvo, U Murcia). Member.

Principais Resultados Científicos:

  • (2013). Chair of ESRA, the European Shakespeare Research Association (http://www.um.es/shakespeare/esra/).
  • (2010-...). Local coord. of TEEME - Text and Event in Early Modern Europe (an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate), Porto.
  • (2008-2010). Coord. Erasmus Intensive Programme Shakespeare and European Culture: Texts and Images Across Borders, U Porto.

Actividade Científica

Publicações em revistas com arbitragem científica e/ou outras publicações:

  • (2012). “Agency as Irony: Akrasia and (In)Action in Anthony and Cleopatra and Othello." Alicante Journal of English Studies/Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses: Special Issue Global Shakespeare 25: 45-56.
  • (2012). "Prospero's Wake: Genre and Transit in the Afterlife of The Tempest." Shakespeare Jahrbuch 148: 113-133.
  • (2008). Rev. of "Jefferson Holdridge, The Poetry of Paul Muldoon. Dublin: The Liffey Press." Irish University Review 41.2, 207-300. Autumn/Winter.
  • (2008). "The Chore and the Passion: Shakespeare and Graduation in mid-Twentieth-Century Portugal." The Shakespearean International Yearbook 8: Special Edition, European Shakespears, 15-31.

Teses de doutoramento concluídas:

  • (2010). Supervision of Miguel dos Santos Silva Ramalhete Gomes, "Texts Waiting for History: William Shakespeare Rewritten by Heiner Müller" (Co-supervisor: Manfred Pfister), U Porto.
  • (2010). Supervision of Jorge Manuel de Almeida Pinho, "A Tradução para Edição: Viagem ao mundo de tradutores e editores em Portugal (1974-2009)," U Porto.
  • (2008). Co-supervision of Paulo Eduardo Almeida Carvalho, "Identidades Reescritas: Figurações da Irlanda no Teatro Português" (Supervisor: Maria Helena Serôdio, U Lisboa), U Porto.
  • (2008). Co-supervision of Gisele Giandoni Wolkoff, "Composições pictóricas na obra de Eavan Boland: paisagens interiores" (Supervisor: Laura Izarra, USP), U Porto.

Livros, incluindo obras de um único autor (incluindo edições escolares de texto e traduções, com introdução e comentários orais ou escritos):

  • (2012). Ed. Relational Designs in Literature and the Arts: Page and Stage, Canvas and Screen. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.
  • (2012). Trans. and notes of Ben Jonson, "A Feira de São Bartolomeu (1614) - (excertos para um burlesco)." In Maria Cristina Pimentel (Ed.) Hero e Leandro - Leituras de um mito. Lisboa: Cotovia, 115-128.
  • (2012). Trans. and notes of Christopher Marlowe, "Hero e Leandro." In Maria Cristina Pimentel (Ed.) Hero e Leandro - Leituras de um mito. Lisboa: Cotovia, 87-114.
  • (2009). Poetry and Translation in Northern Ireland: Dislocations in Contemporary Writing. Houndmills: Palgrave McMillan.
  • (2008). Plural Beckett Plurial: Centenary Essays/Essais d'un Centenaire (Co-ed: Paulo Eduardo Carvalho). Porto: FlupEdita.

Capítulos de livros, incluindo as contribuições para artigos em conferências, contribuições para festschriften, ensaios em colecções:

  • (2012). "'Sacro fogo', 'verso potente' - algumas notas sobre Marlowe e Jonson (a propósito de Hero e Leandro)." In Maria Cristina Pimentel (Ed.) Hero e Leandro - Leituras de um mito. Lisboa: Cotovia, 71-85.
  • (2012). "'Private Relations': Selves, Poems and Paintings - Durcan to Morrissey." In Fran Brearton and Alan Gillis (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Poetry. Oxford: O.U.P., 282-296.
  • (2012). "Philip Massinger: Drama, Reputation and the Dynamics of Social History." In Ton Hoenselaars (Ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare and Contemporary Dramatists. Cambridge: C.U.P., 212-225.
  • (2010). "Of Idiocy, Moroseness, and Vitriol: Soloists of Rage in Ben Jonson's Satire." In Ute Berns (Ed.) Solo Performances: Staging the Early Modern Self in England. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopy, 157-171.
  • (2010). "'The Land of Nod and Wink': Memory, Conflict and Rewriting in Ciaran Carson's The Twelfth of Never." In Munira H. Mutran et al. (Eds.) A Garland of Words: for Maureen O'Rourke Murphy. São Paulo: Humanitas, 267-277.
  • (2009). "Histórias Cruzadas: sobre Shakespeare e algumas imbricações anglo-portuguesas." In Maria Helena Serôdio et al. (Eds.) Shakespeare entre nós. Ribeirão: Húmus, 141-156.
  • (2008). "Memory, Ideology, Translation: King Lear Behind Bars and Before History." In Linda Henderson (Ed.) Alternative Shakespeares 3. London: Routledge, 204-220.
  • (2008). "Cross-Histories, Straying Narratives: Anglo-Portuguese Imbrications and Shakespeare's History Plays." In Marta Gibinska and Agnieszka Romanowska (Eds.) Shakespeare in Europe: History and Memory. Kraków: Jagiellonian U Press, 45-55.
  • (2008). "Of Languages and Kings: Names, History, and Shakespeare in Portuguese." In Carla Dente and Sara Soncini (Eds.) Crossing Time and Space: Shakespeare Translations in Present-Day Europe. Pisa: Pisa U Press, 37-46.

Outras actividades

Comunicações apresentadas em conferências internacionais

Por convite:

  • (2013). "Trajectories of the Sonnet in Sidney and Shakespeare." Intensive Programme Staging European Identities: Memory, Conflict and Commerce in Early Modern European Culture, Charles U Prague, May.
  • (2013). "Ben Jonson, Authorship and Authority." Intensive Programme Stating European Identities: Memory, Conflict and Commerce in Early Modern European Culture, Charles U Prague, May.
  • (2013). "Of Punks, Prigs and Panache: Derek Mahon and French Comedy." U Athens, Apr.
  • (2013). "'Holy fire', 'mighty line': the dynamics of imagination in Marlowe's Verse." U Athens, Apr.
  • (2012). "Of Punks, Prigs and Panache: Derek Mahon and French Comedy." Queen's U Belfast, 22 Oct.
  • (2011). "'People and Gods From Various Parts': Genre and Transit in the Afterlife of The Tempest." Conf. Deutsche Shakespeare Gesellschaft and the European Shakespeare Research Association, Weimar, Apr.
  • (2011). "Dividing Lines: Poetry, Memory and Identity in Northern Ireland (1965-)." Graduate programmes on Literature and Translation, U Vigo, Apr.
  • (2011). "'The Real Names?': Drama and Memory, Shakespeare and Heaney." U Utrecht and the Shakespeare Society of the Low Countries, Utrecht, Netherlands, Feb.
  • (2010). "'Rainbow Windows': on Philip Larkin, Vision and the Human." National U Ireland, Feb.
  • (2010). "Poetry and Translation in Northern Ireland - the Case of Paul Muldoon: 'Conglomewritting' and 'Journeywork'." Graduate programme, U Vigo, Jan.
  • (2009). "'The Land of Nod and Wink': Memory, Translation and Conflict in Ciaran Carson" and "Learning about Dying: Michael Longley, Vision and Writing." Graduate programme, U Corunha, Jun.
  • (2008). "Poetry and Portraiture: Figuring the Author in Heaney and Longley." Third Symposium on Irish Studies in South America, U Federal da Bahia, Sep.
  • (2008). "Figuring the Self: 'Old Fathers' and Old Masters in Two Contemporary Irish Poets." Graduate programme, U Corunha, May.

Em painel:

  • (2013). "'Like a letter/not yet written': Inscription, Truncation and Urban Scenarios in the Poetry of Alan Gillis." Int. Conf. IASIL, International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures, Queen's U Belfast, Jul.
  • (2013). "Desire Across Borders: on Venus, Shakespeare, and Intercultural Dynamics." Int. Conf. Shakespeare and Myth (biennal conf. ESRA, European Shakespeare Research Association), Montpellier, France, Jun.
  • (2013). "Of Bards and Pantheons: Shakespeare in the Camões Tricentenary (1880)." Int. Conf. SEDERI (Sociedade Hispano-Portuguesa de Estudos do Renascimento Inglês), U Huelva, Mar.
  • (2012). "Agency as Irony: Akrasia and (in)Action in Antony and Cleopatra and Othello" and "How Things Work: Agency and Effectivity." International Shakespeare Conference, Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon, 5-10 Aug.
  • (2012). "Challenged Self: Staidness vs. Crisis in Heaney's Human Chain." AEDEI 2012: Annual Conference of the Spanish Association for Irish Studies, Huelva, 30 May-1 Jun.
  • (2012). "'Holy fire', 'mighty line': on prosody and desire, memory and authorship (a propos Hero and Leander)." Int. Conf. SEDERI (Sociedade Hispano-Portuguesa de Estudos do Renascimento Inglês), U Sevilla, Mar.
  • (2011). "The Names that Stay: Heaney, Memory and Shakespeare." World Shakespeare Congress, Int. Shakespeare Association and Charles, U Prague.
  • (2011). "Form, Deformity: on Pathology and Poetics in Paul Muldoon." Int Conf. AEDEI (Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses), U Olviedo, May.
  • (2011). "'Sordid wealth', 'adulterate blood': Anxieties of Power and Sex in Philip Massinger." Int. Conf. SEDERI (Sociedade Hispano-Portuguesa de Estudos do Renascimento Inglês), UNED, Madrid, Mar.
  • (2010). "Of Bodies, Brides and Ballerinas: Women and Intermediality in McGuckian and Morrissey." Int. Conf. British and Irish Poetry 1960-2010, Queen's U Belfast, Sep.
  • (2010). "Mnemosyne and Lethe, Nemesis and Time: on Self, Memory and Dramatic Design in a Tragedy and a Romance." International Shakespeare Conference, Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon, Aug.
  • (2010). "'Amplitude, Ambiguity, Affinity: on Art as life in Paul Durcan's Poetics of Intermediality." Int. Conf. IASIL (International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures), Maynooth, Ireland, Jul.
  • (2009). "'The thin red line': Liminality and Intersemiosis in Bandanna - an Othello of the Dispossessed." Int. Conf. European Shakespeare Research Association, Pisa, Nov.
  • (2009). "'Journeywork'?: Translation and Paul Muldoon's Narrative of Poetic Inception." Int. Conf. IASIL (International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures), Glasgow, Jul.
  • (2009). "Cold beaches, 'slick rotors': Nature and Irony in Derek Mahon's Life on Earth."Int. Conf. AEDEI (Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses), Alcalá de Henares, May.
  • (2008). "Busy Bodies: Self, Place and Displacement in three Venetian Plays." International Shakespeare Conference, Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon, Aug.
  • (2008). "Of Colossi and Muck: Heaney and Carson after Dante et al." Int. Conf. AEDEI (Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses), U Coruña, May.
  • (2008). "The Chore and the Passion: Shakespeare and Graduation in mid-Twentieth-Century Portugal." Annual Conf. SEDERI (Sociedade Hispano-Portuguesa de Estudos do Renascimento Inglês), Almagro, Apr.

Comunicações apresentadas em conferências nacionais

Por convite:

  • (2011). "'At this wake, only the greatest': Power, Genre and Textual Transit in the Afterlife of The Tempest." Annual APEAA Conference, U Coimbra, May.
  • (2007). "Of Giants, Bogs and Hunger: Heaney and Carson after Dante et al." Irish Literary Festival, U Lisboa, Nov.
  • (2007). "... And soon after, the book: Perplexing Shakespeare's Readers." Conf. Crítica Textual e Crítica Genética em Diálogo, U Porto, Oct.
  • (2007). "Sensation, Memory and the Human in Two Contemporary Irish Poets." Conf. Estudos Inter-Artes, Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Rosa, U Porto, Sep.
  • (2007). "Figuring the Self: Canon, Verse and the Visual in Two Contemporary Irish Poets." Conf. Inter-art and Intercultural Dialogues, U Lisboa, Mar.

Em painel:

  • (2013). "'The song isn't mine': Translation and/as Indirection in Seamus Heaney's versions of Sophocles." 1st ULICES Conf. Translation Studies Voice in Indirect Translation, U Lisboa, Jul.
  • (2013). "Morrissey's Vistas: Frame and Kaleidoscope." Int. Conf. Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies, U Lisboa, May.
  • (2012). "Frame and Kaleidoscope: Morrissey's Vistas." Intermedial, Transnational: the Dynamics of Irish Culture - A Symposium, U Porto, 10 Sep.
  • (2012). "Challenged Selves: Pathology and Poetics in Heaney and Muldoon." Marvels and Horrors, Election and Damnation - Ireland's 1912 and Beyond: an International Commemorative Symposium, U Porto, 28 Jun.
  • (2012). "Hero e Leandro: as narrativas de Ovídio, Museu, Christopher Marlowe e Ben Jonson" (Co-auth: Maria Cristina Pimental and Marina Castanho). Conf. Revisitar o Mito/Recycling Myths Conference, U Lisboa, 2-May.
  • (2011). "'Holy fire', 'mighty line': Retórica, prosódia e desejo em Hero and Leander, de Christopher Marlowe." Colóquio Internacional Retórica e Narrativa, U Porto, Apr.
  • (2010). "Of Brides and Ballerinas: Interpersonal and Intermedial Bonds in McGuckian and Morrissey." Relational Forms I: An International Conference on Literature and the Arts, U Porto, Nov.
  • (2010). "Inscribing 'Lest We Forget': War Scenarios and the Cultures of Commemoration in Three Contemporary Poets - Michael Longley, Paul Muldoon and Ciaran Carson." Open seminar - Doctoral programme in Anglo-American Studies, U Porto.
  • (2008). "'Random windows': on Larkin, Vision and the Human." 29th Annual APEAA Conference, U Aveiro, Apr.



Instituto de Estudos Ingleses (funded by FCT), U Porto. Member.

“Shakespeare research and translation project”, Instituto de Estudos Ingleses, U Porto. Participant.

“Irish Writing and Translation”, Irish Studies, Instituto de Estudos Ingleses, U Porto. Coord.

(2011-...). CETAPS. Director.

(2011-...). Cultures of Commemoration II: Remembering Shakespeare. (Scient. Coord: Clara Calvo, U Murcia). Member.

(2002-2005). Writing and Seeing. Coordinator.

(2007-...). Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese. Member. (Relational Forms: Intertextual and Inter-Arts Dynamics in the Cultures of Ireland and Britain. Coordinator). (English Canon: a Research and Translation Project. Member).

Instituto de Estudos Ingleses (funded by FCT), U Porto. Member.

“Shakespeare research and translation project”, Instituto de Estudos Ingleses, U Porto. Participant.

“Irish Writing and Translation”, Irish Studies, Instituto de Estudos Ingleses, U Porto. Coord.

(2011-...). CETAPS. Director.

(2011-...). Cultures of Commemoration II: Remembering Shakespeare. (Scient. Coord: Clara Calvo, U Murcia). Member.

(2002-2005). Writing and Seeing. Coordinator.

(2007-...). Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese. Member. (Relational Forms: Intertextual and Inter-Arts Dynamics in the Cultures of Ireland and Britain. Coordinator). (English Canon: a Research and Translation Project. Member).


Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)

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