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Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)
Alameda da Universidade - Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

Horário de atendimento:
2ª a 6ª-feira,

10h00 às 17h00



(00351) 21 792 00 92







Maria Teresa Correia Casal
Grupo de Investigação: Outras Literaturas e Culturas de Expressão Inglesa (GI 4)
Categoria profissional: Professora Auxiliar
Graus Académicos: (2007). Doutoramento em Estudos Literários, Literatura Inglesa, U Lisboa.  
Morada institucional: CEAUL - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa, Portugal
Endereço de correio electrónico: Este endereço de e-mail está protegido de spam bots, pelo que necessita do Javascript activado para o visualizar

Projectos de Investigação:

  • (2012-...) Scient. Coord. RG4: Other English-Speaking Literatures and Cultures.
  • (2010-2012). Scient. Coord. RG4: English-speaking Literatures and Cultures: Inter-art and Inter-cultural Dialogues.
  • (2011-...). Literatura Mundo / World Literature. (CEComparatistas). Scient. Coord: Helena Carvalhão Buescu. Collaborator.
  • (2009-...). Narrative & Medicine: (con)texts and practices across disciplines. Scient. Coord: IFernandes. (CEAUL/ULICES in collab: CFUL, CHC-UNL, CLP-UC, King’s College and U Paris Descartes). PTDC/CPC-ELT/3719/2012. Researcher.

Principais Resultados Científicos:

  • (2014). (Ed.) Beyond Diagnosis: Relating the Person to the Patient - The Patient to the Person. Co-ed. Peter Bray. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
  • (2007). Creativity as Response-ability in Jennifer Johnston’s Novels. (Supervision: IFernandes, U Lisboa; Co-supervision: Catriona Clutterbuck, U College Dublin), U Lisboa, (PhD in Literary Studies, English Literature). Summa cum laude. 28 Jun.

Actividade Científica

Publicações em revistas com arbitragem científica e/ou outras publicações:

  • (2012). “His Heart Against His Ribs’: Embodied Tension in ‘The Dead’.” ABEI Journal 14: 55-68.
  • (2011). “Introduction to Away from Her.” Anglo-Saxónica, Series III. Nr.2: 133-138.
  • (2009). “Jennifer Johnston's Monologues: Introductory Note.” Anglo-Saxónica, Series II. Nr. 27: 171-176.
  • (2009). “‘He said Ireland has more than one story’: Multiple Belongings in Perspective.” Anglo-Saxónica. Series II. Nr. 27: 49-67.
  • (2008). “Creative Creatures and their Scenes of Creation in Jennifer Johnston’s This Is Not a Novel.” Anglo-Saxónica. Series II. Nr. 26: 109-123.

Outras orientações:

  • (2014). Supervision of Sónia Macedo, “A Problemático do «Nós» na Tradução para Português de The Buddha in the Attic, de Julie Otsuka,” U Lisboa (MA Project Report in Translation). Final mark: 16/20. 21 July.
  • (2013). Supervision of Teresa Miguéns Cardoso, “Tradução em Tradução - Língua, Cultura e Viagem,” U Lisboa (MA Project Report in Translation). Final mark: 18/20. 2 July.
  • (2012). Supervision of João Moreira, “Sheridan Le Fanu e o conto gótico em tradução,” U Lisboa (M.A. in English and American Studies, Translation Studies). Final mark: 16/20. 3 Feb.
  • (2012). Supervision of Cristina Bensassy Costa, “The Speckled People de Hugo Hamilton: Vidas matizadas em tradução,” U Lisboa (MA in English and American Studies, Translation Studies). Final mark: 16/20. 24 Jan.
  • (2012). Supervision of Ana Margarida Alves, (Co-supervisor: LFalcão), “Mulher e Negra: Espelhos Autobiográficos de Maya Angelou,” U Lisboa (MA in English and American Studies, Translation Studies). Final mark: 15/20. 19 Jan.
  • (2011). Supervision of Ana Luísa Dias, (Co-supervisor: LFalcão), “Tradução de ‘Recitatif’ – um short story de Toni Morrison,” U Lisboa (MA in English and American Studies, Translation Studies). Final mark: 16/20. 12 July.
  • (2010). Supervision of Daniela Amaral, “Traduzir o humor e os seus contextos: O caso de The Poor Mouth, de Flann O’Brien,” U Lisboa (MA in Translation). Final mark: 16/20. 18 Jan.

Livros e capítulos de livros com circulação internacional:

  • (2015 March) In Print. Ed. Contar (com) a Medicina. [Counting on Medicine] Co-eds.: Isabel Fernandes, Maria de Jesus Cabral, Alda Correia, Diana V. Almeida. Print.
  • (2015 Feb.) In Print. Ed. Revisitar o Mito / Myths Revisited. Selected Essays. Lisbon: Húmus. Co-eds.: Abel Pena, Maria de Jesus C. Relvas, Rui Carlos Fonseca. Print.
  • (2015). In Print. “Can you die from not being listened to?” Eds. Isabel Fernandes et al. Creative Dialogues: Narrative and Medicine. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • (2014). "Between Patients and Doctors: It Takes a Person." In Beyond Diagnosis: Relating the Person to the Patient - The Patient to the Person. Eds. Peter Bray and Teresa Casal. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
  • (2013). "From Person to Patient: From Patient to Person?" Eds. Peter Bray and Diana Mak. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 13-29. E-book.
  • (2013). "'I Hope...Perhaps': Hope in the Face of Death." In Hope in All Directions. Ed. Geoffrey Karabin. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 113-124. E-book. 
  • (2013). “‘What Fools these Mortals Be’: What Do Mortals Play At when They Play with Fiction?” In Katarzyna Kuczma (ed.) Cultural Dynamics of Play. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press. 77-87. E-book.
  • (2012). “‘When you look through the eyes of another’: Mary and Lydia Cassatt in Art, Life, and Fiction.” In Rui Carvalho Homem (Ed.) Relational Designs in Literature and the Arts: Page and Stage, Canvas and Screen. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 333-48.
  • (2012). “Painting with Words and Becoming Other People: Theatre and the Visual Arts in Molly Fox’s Birthday and Authenticity – an interview with novelist Deirdre Madden.” In Rui Carvalho Homem (Ed.) Relational Designs in Literature and the Arts: Page and Stage, Canvas and Screen. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 399-411.
  • (2011). “Inhabiting Wounded Bodies.” In Andrzej Danczak and Nicola Lazenby (Eds.) Pain: Management, Expression, Interpretation. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press. E-book. 
  • (2007). ‘“Frightened with my own Hatred’: Telling Violence in Jennifer Johnston’s Fool’s Sanctuary and The Invisible Worm.” In Werner Huber et al (Eds.) Representation and Responsibility: Essays in Irish Cultural Studies. Series: Irish Studies in Europe. Vol.1. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 53-66.
  • (2006). ‘“I did not know what to think, so I said nothing’: Narrative politics in Castle Rackrent.” In Lynch, Patricia A., Joachim Fischer and Brian Coates (Eds.) 1798/1998: Back to the Present, Forward to the Past. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi: 69-82.

Livros, incluindo obras de um único autor (incluindo edições escolares de textos e traduções, com introdução e comentários orais ou escritos):

  • (2013). Ed. O Pulsar do Hospital: "Coisas simples como respirar" [The Hospital's Pulse: "Simple Things Like Breathing"]. Co-eds. Luís Damas Mora, Paulo Larcher. 88 pp. E-book. Healthcare professionals' narratives of crisis. Outcome of 4th Quality Workshop, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, Sept-Dec.
  • (2010). Salazar: Uma Biografia Política. Trans. of Salazar: A Political Biography, by Filipe Ribeiro de Meneses. Alfragide: Dom Quixote.
  • (2009). “Billy e Christine.” Trans. of “Mustn't Forget High Noon” and “O Ananias, Azarias and Miseal”, by Jennifer Johnston. Anglo-Saxónica, Série II. Nr. 27: 195-233.
  • (2005). Imagens de Praga: Retratos de uma Cidade. Trans. of Prague Pictures: Portraits of a City, by John Banville. Porto: Asa.
  • (2004). Florença, Um Caso Delicado. Trans. of Florence: A Delicate Case, by David Leavitt. Porto: Asa.
  • (2000). Chocolate. Trans. of Chocolat, by Joanne Harris. Porto: Asa.
  • (1998). O Deus das Pequenas Coisas. Trans. of The God of Small Things, by Arundhati Roy. Porto: Asa.

Capítulos de livros, incluindo as contribuições para artigos em conferências, contribuições para festschriften, ensaios em colecções:

  • (2014). Review of Portuguese translation of Ulysses, by Jorge Vaz de Carvalho. Colóquio-Letras 187, 254-257.
  • (2013). “Herdar histórias divididas, criar histórias ligadas: Hugo Hamilton e Glenn Patterson em Tradução.” In CVFerreira et al (Eds.) A Scholar for all Seasons. Homenagem a João de Almeida Flor. CEAUL: U Lisboa, 905-913.
  • (2007). “This story that I didn’t want to hear’: History into Story in Jennifer Johnston’s The Gingerbread Woman.” In Actas do XXV Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos. Vila Real. (CDRom)

Outros indicadores de produção científica:

  • (2014). “Out of Myth into History: An Introduction to the Nation and the Woman in Twentieth-Century Irish Literature”. Guest lecture. Cáceres: University of Extremadura. 15 May.
  • (2005-2010). Expert reader for Ireland Literature Exchange. (External advisor in Literary Translation).

Organização de actividades de disseminação científica:

  • (2014). Co-org. of Symposium Representations of Home in English-speaking Literatures and Cultures. Co-orgs. MBoucherie, LFalcão, SHenriques, PHorta, MMartins, JPage, ZSanches. ULisboa, 13-14 Nov.
  • (2014). Co-org. Dubliners in Portugal. “The Boarding House” and “Counterparts”: A Centenary Celebration of James Joyce’s Dubliners. Balloonatics Theatre Company. Sponsor: Irish Itineraries Programme, EFACIS (European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies). 25 June.
  • (2014). Co-org. RHOSE – Representations of Home Open Seminars: RHOSE 1: “Ubuntu em Portugal”, Eugénia Costa and Carolina Tomaz (Academia Ubuntu), 24 Mar; RHOSE 2: Portuguese at Home in North America?: Teresa Cid (ULICES) and Emily Ashby (Fullbright/ULisbon), 7 May; RHOSE 3: “Identity Is a Slippery Fish”, Zuzanna Sanches and Mary Fowke (ULICES), 23 May; RHOSE 4: “There Are no Daffodils in Canada”: Marijke Boucherie and Sara Henriques (ULICES), U Lisboa, 30 May.
  • (2013). Co-org. “As Casas de Alice Munro / Alice Munro’s Houses”: Round-table and reading, U Lisboa, 9 Dec.
  • (2013). Org. Seminar on Irish English: Carolina Amador-Moreno (U Extremadura, Spain), “Irish English Invented”, U Lisboa, 6 Dec.
  • (2013). Co-org. Lecture on Australian Aboriginal Literature: Anne Brewster (U New South Wales): “The Indigenous Protest Poetry of Romaine Moreton”, U Lisboa, 2 Dec.
  • (2013). Co-org. Seminar on Australian Aboriginal Literature: Anne Brewster (U New South Wales): “The trickster: satirising whiteness in the fiction of Australian Indigenous writer Marie Munkara”, U Lisboa, 2 Dec.
  • (2013). Co-org of A Tribute to Seamus Heaney: “I can connect...”: relation and continuity in Seamus Heaney”: Lecture by Rui Carvalho Homem (U Porto, collaborator in RG4) and reading by RCHomem and Mick Greer (FLUL & Centre for Theatre Studies), 22 Nov.
  • (2013). Co-org. Embassy of Ireland Lecture: Foster (U Oxford, UK), “The Fascination of What's Difficult': W.B.Yeats and Irish History”, U Lisboa, 6 Nov.
  • (2013). Co-org. Laura Bulger, "Cultural and Literary Border Lines in a Complex Cross-Border Relationship between Canada and the United States of America”, 22 May.
  • (2013). Co-org. (with PHorta) of Symposium and film screening Experiencing South Africa: Post-apartheid Culture and Society, U Lisbon, 11-13 Mar.
  • (2012). Org. Committee of Int. Conf. Recycling Myths / Revisitar o Mito, U Lisboa, 2-5 May.
  • (2012). Co-org. of Embassy of Ireland Lecture 2012: Embassy of Ireland, Guest writer: Nuala Ní Chonchúir, Lecture “Pathways into the Irish Short Story” and Reading, U Lisbon, 7 Dec.
  • (2012). Org. of lecture on the centenary of Bram Stoker’s death: Paul Murray, “Bram Stoker, Dracula’s Extraordinary Creator”, U Lisbon, 26 Oct.
  • (2010). Co-org. of Embassy of Ireland Lecture 2010: Embassy of Ireland, Guest writer: Hugo Hamilton. U Lisbon, 21 Out.
  • (2009). Co-org. of Embassy of Ireland Lecture 2009: Embassy of Ireland, Guest speaker: Michael Cronin (Dublin City University), “Gael Force? The Irish Language in Contemporary Ireland,” U Lisbon, 6 May.
  • (2009). Org. of lecture on Irish poetry: Guest speaker: Gisele Giandoni Wolkoff (Centre for Social Studies, U Coimbra), “Writing Back: Eavan Boland, a Contemporary Irish Poetry Case Study,” U Lisbon, 27 Nov.
  • (2008). Org. Committee of the annual meeting of Int. Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL), “Home and Elsewhere: The Spaces of Irish Writing,” U Porto, 28 Jul-1 Aug.

Outras actividades

Comunicações apresentadas em conferências internacionais

Por convite:

  • (2012). “For You to Decide’: Women Writers Address their Readers.” 7th Symposium of Irish Studies in South America Representations of Women in Contemporary Irish Literature, Federal U of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil.
  • (2012). “‘His Heart against his Ribs’: Embodied Tension in The Dead.”. 90th Anniversary of Ulysses: Chair W. B. Yeats, U São Paulo, Brazil.

Em painel:

  • (2013) “Taking In Before Letting Be’: Writing and Reading Illness Memoirs.” Int. Conf. A Narrative Future for Healthcare. Org. by Centre for the Humanities and Health, King’s College, London and Program in Narrative Medicine, Columbia U, 19-21 June.
  • (2012). “‘What Fools these Mortals Be’: What Do Mortals Play at when they Play with Fiction?” Making Sense of: Play, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Net, England. 11-13 July.
  • (2011). “’I wondered what it was to be Molly Fox’: Ethics and aesthetics in Deirdre Madden’s novel.” Conf. of Int. Association for the Study of Irish Literatures - Conflict and Resolution, Catholic U, Leuven. 18-22 July.
  • (2011) “Inhabiting Wounded Bodies.” Int. Conf. Making Sense of: Pain, Warsaw: Inter-Disciplinary Net, Poland. 22-24 May.
  • (2010). “Can you die from not being listened to?” Narrative Matters 2010: Exploring the Narrative Landscape: Issues, Investigations, and Interventions, St. Thomas U, Canada. 20-23 May.
  • (2010). “Truth or Fiction: Does fiction carry truth, does truth need fiction?” Irish Literatures & Culture: New & Old Knowledges. Conf. of Int. Association for the Study of Irish Literature, National U Ireland, Maynooth, 26-30 Jul.

Comunicações apresentadas em conferências nacionais

Por convite:

  • (2014). "Traduzir O Deus das Pequenas Coisas" [Translating The God of Small Things]. Round-table "Tradutores Reflectem sobre Tradução" [Translators Reflect on Translation], chaired by João Ferreira Duarte. Int. conf. Moving Bodies Across Translation. Centre for Comparative Studies, Lisbon: ULisboa, 30 Oct.
  • (2013).  “Entre sentir e sentido, viver e narrar.” 4º Workshop da Qualidade: “Profissionais: O Pulsar do Hospital.” Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central. 30 Set.
  • (2005). “Tradução e recepção da literatura irlandesa: Algumas reflexões.” Chairperson of round-table: Filomena Louro et al. Dislocations: Texts, Spaces, and Relations in Irish Culture / Deslocações: Textos, Espaços e Relações na Cultura Irlandesa, U Porto. 4 Nov.
  • (2003). (MA Seminar in Translation) “Algumas Reflexões Sobre Tradução Literária: O Caso de O Deus das Pequenas Coisas”, U Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. 30 May.

Em painel:

  • (2014). "Hosts, Hostages and Guests of the Nation: From Gregory and Yeats to Frank O'Connor", Home Rule, Great War: fulfilment and disaster in the Irish imagination - An international symposium. Porto: CETAPS, 21 Nov.
  • (2013). “A Century Apart: Love and Desire from Joyce to Donoghue.” Challenge and Enablement in Irish Culture: A Symposium, U Porto, 14 Jun.
  • (2013). “From Person to Patient: From Patient to Person?” 3rd Global Conference of The Patient: Therapeutic Approaches, Lisbon: Inter-Disciplinary Net, 16-18 Mar.
  • (2013). “‘I hope... Perhaps’: Hope in the Face of Death.” 5th Global Conference of Hope: Probing the Boundaries, Lisbon: Inter-Disciplinary Net, 10-12 Mar.
  • (2012). “Writing and Reading: In Sickness as in Health?.” Ex certa scientia: Literature, Science and the Arts, U Porto. 13-15 Dec.
  • (2011). “Thunder, Fear, and Violence: Jennifer Johnston’s Rewriting of The Tempest,” Dashed All to Pieces: tempests and other natural disasters, U Porto. 1-3 Dec.
  • (2011). Presentation on “Translation Studies at U Lisbon.” Panel on Translation Studies: “Current Debates in English and American Studies.” 32 Annual Conf. of Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies, U Coimbra. 12-14 May.
  • (2010). “Can you die from not being listened to?”Int. Conf. Narrative and Medicine: Illness and Dialogue, U Lisboa, 13-14. Sept.
  • (2010). “When you look through the eyes of another’: Mary and Lydia Cassatt in Art, Life and Fiction.” Relational Forms I: an Int. Conf. on Literature and the Arts, U Porto. 25-27 Nov.
  • (2010). “Interview with Deirdre Madden.” Relational Forms I: an Int. Conf. on Literature and the Arts, U Porto. 25-27 Nov.
  • (2009). “Introduction of the film Away From Her.” From Sea to Sea: A Week of Canadian Culture in Lisbon Lisbon, U Lisboa. 18-20 Nov.
  • (2009). “‘For me and you and all the rest of us’”: Last Suppers in James Joyce’s ‘The Dead’ and Jennifer Johnston’s Foolish Mortals.” Fundamental Sounds: Voices from Ireland: Irish Literary Festival, U Porto, Teatro Nacional São João, Companhia de Teatro Assédio. 9 Oct.
  • (2007). “Creative Creatures and their Scenes of Creation in Jennifer Johnston’s This Is Not a Novel.” Conf. Inter-Art and Intercultural Dialogues, U Lisboa. 15 Mar.
  • (2007). “‘He said Ireland has more than one story’: Multiple Belongings in Perspective.” Rising to meet you: Irish Literature Festival, U Lisbon, Casa Fernando Pessoa, Museu Nacional do Teatro. 15 Nov.
  • (2004). ‘“Children of Love and Death’: Art and (Im)mortality in The Picture of Dorian Gray and Three Contemporary Irish Novels.” Ireland, Memory, Translation, U Porto. 5 Nov.
  • (2004). “This story that I didn’t want to hear’: History into Story in Jennifer Johnston’s The Gingerbread Woman”. 25th Annual Conf. Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies, Forms of Representation, Ways of Reading, U Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. 22-24 Apr.
  • (2003). “Frightened with my own hatred’: Telling Violence in Jennifer Johnston’s Fool’s Sanctuary and The Invisible Worm”. Representation & Responsibility: IV Conf. of European Federation of Associations and Centres for Irish Studies: Braga: U Minho. 11-14 Dec.

Investigação Futura:





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