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University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)
Alameda da Universidade
Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

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Margarida Isabel de Oliveira Vale de Gato
Research Group: American Studies (RG 3)
Professional Title: Assistant Professor, University of Lisbon
Academic Degrees: (2008) PhD in North American Literature and Culture, University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters. Dissertation on the Reception of Edgar Allan Poe and Portuguese Lyric Rewrites (19th century);(1999) Master’s degree in American Literature and Culture, University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters. Dissertation on William Faulkner, including a comparative study with the Portuguese writer António Lobo Antunes; (2001) Post-graduate course in Teacher Training, English and Portuguese, University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters; (1995) First degree in Modern Languages and Literatures, English and Portuguese, University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters; (1996) Diplôme Supérieur de Hautes Etudes, option Littérature, Alliance Française de Paris.
Institutional Address: CEAUL - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa, Portugal
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Personal webpage: http://www.ulices.org/linguistics-language-culture-and-society/margarida-isabel-de-oliveira-vale-de-gato.html

Research Projects:

  • (2013-...). Archivo y Edición (Dir: Jeronimo Pizarro). Translation of Fernando Pessoa’s English poetry and consultancy and/or (co-)edition of projects related with Fernando Pessoa and American Literature.
  • (2011-2012). Alice in Translation (Scientific coord: Jon Lindseth – Alice 150). Collaborator.
  • (2011-…). Scient. Coord. PEnPal in Translation. (CEAUL / ULICES) financed by the Luso-American Foundation in 2013.
  • (2011 -...). Literatura-Mundo. (Scient. Coord.: Helena Buescu - CEC – Centro de Estudos Comparatistas / IWL - Institute for World Literature). Collaborator.

Main Achievements:

  • (2014). Co-editor with Emron Esplin, Translated Poe. Rowman & Littlefield (Leghith University Press) (978-3-03911-555-6).
  • (2012). Alberto de Lacerda Translation Award 2012, Luso-American Foundation.
  • (2010). Guest editor (with MALima) of Edgar Allan Poe Review. The Pennsylvania State University, Spring 2010, Volume XI, Number 1
  • Annotated translations of books by Edgar Allan Poe, C. Dickens, Mark Twain and Jack Kerouac.
  • (2008). “Edgar Allan Poe em Translação: Entre Textos e Sistemas, visando as Rescritas na Lírica Moderna em Portugal” (Supervisor: JAFlor, U Lisboa, MTFAlves, U Lisboa), U Lisboa (Ph.D. in Literature & Culture - American Studies). Summa cum Laude. 14 Jul.

Research Outputs

Publications in peer reviewed journals and/or other publications:

  • (2014). “Notas para a poesia de Rui Costa (1972-2012), que entrou antes de mim nos jogos”. Colóquio Letras: 187. 206-218.
  • (2013). Almeida, D and VGato, M. "Dislocation and Reposession in O Navio do Negros, Jorge Silva Melo's Theatrical Reading of Melville'sBenito Cereno." InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies. 2. 35-47. Print 2014 (Online 2013).
  • (2013). "No Beginnings: Heterolingualism and Translated Luso-American Novels by Erika de Vasconcelos and Others". Gávea-Brown: A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese-American Letters and Studies. Volume XXXIV-XXXV. 2012-2013. 153-166.
  • (2013). “Observação e Assombração: Edgar Allan Poe e os Contos da Geração de 70.” Estudos. New Series. Nr. 10: 271-288.
  • (2010). “Poetics and Ideology in Fernando Pessoa’s Translations of Edgar Allan Poe.” Edgar Allan Poe Review. Vol. 11. Nr. 1: 121-131.
  • (2009). “Poe and Gothic Creativity” (Co-auth: MALima). Edgar Allan Poe Review. Vol. 10. Nr. 1: 129-35.

Further supervision:

  • (2014). Supervision of Nuno Filipe da Silva Marques, “A Nova Poética da Natureza de Gary Snyder: Budismo e Ecocrítica na Sua Obra,” (U Lisboa) (MA in American Studies) Final mark: 18/20. January.
  • (2014). Supervision of Sara Vieira. “Tropeçando pela Luz com Frank X Gaspar: Retrato do Poeta com a Tradutora ao Fundo,” (U Lisboa) (MA in Translation Studies). Final mark: 18/20. May.
  • (2012). Supervision of Ana Filipa Amado de Oliveira, “Traduzir a Ficção Criminal: Crime Wave de James Ellroy,” U Lisboa (M.A. in Translation Studies). Final mark: 16/20. May.
  • (2010). Supervision of “Stepping out of the Colossus”: Carol Ann Duffy e a dominação feminina” (Co-Supervisor: JFDuarte) U Lisboa, (M.A. in English Studies, Translation Studies). Final Mark: 17/20. 25 Jan.

Books, including single-authored works (including scholarly editions of oral or written texts and translations with introduction and commentary):

  • (2014). Ed., intro, trans. and notes of Allen Ginsberg, O Uivo e Outros Poemas. (The Howl and Other Poems). Lisbon: Relógio d’Água.
  • (2013). Trans. and ed. assistance of George Monteiro, As Paixões de Pessoa (Pessoa’s Passions). Lisboa: Babel.
  • (2013). Co-author with POBaubeta MLSampaio, The Anthology in Portugal, vol. 2. Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Brussels, Frankfurt am Main, N. Y, Wien: Peter Lang (978-3-03911-555-6).
  • (2013). Trans., afterword and notes of Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita, Lisbon: Relógio d’Água. (9789896413606).
  • (2012). Commentary, trans. and notes of Mark Twain, N.º 44, O Estranho Misterioso. Vila do Conde: Quidnovi.
  • (2011). Principais Poemas de Edgar Allan Poe. Trans. Fernando Pessoa and MVGato (Ed.). Col. Pessoa Editor/Olisipo. Lisboa: Babel.
  • (2011). Ed, intro, trans. and notes of Jack Kerouack, Pela Estrada Fora: O Rolo Original (On the Road: The Original Scroll). Lisboa: Relógio d’Água.
  • (2010). Commentary, trans. and notes of Mark Twain, A Viagem dos Inocentes (Innocents Abroad) (Co-ed: Ricardo Araújo Pereira). Lisboa: Tinta da China.
  • (2010). Edgar Allan Poe Review – Poe and Gothic Creativity (Co-ed: Maria Antónia Lima). Vol. 11. Nr. 1.
  • (2010). Anglo Saxonica. Co-ed. with M. A. Lima of the Edgar Allan Poe Section, and Ass. Ed. of the entire volume of the new series. (III: 1).
  • (2009). Edgar Allan Poe em Portugal. Lisboa: BNP/CEAUL.
  • (2009). Ed, intro, trans. and notes Obra Poética Completa de Edgar Allan Poe. Lisboa: Tinta da China.
  • (2009). Commentary, trans. and notes of Charles Dickens, Os Cadernos de Pickwick (The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club) (Co-ed: Ricardo Araújo Pereira). Lisboa: Tinta da China.

Chapters in books, including contributions to conference proceedings, essays in collections:

  • (2013). "Três Poetas Luso-Americanas em Tradução." In CVFerreira et al. (Eds.) A Scholar for All Seasons: Homenagem a João de Almeida Flor. Lisboa: DEA-FLUL / CEAUL, 597-612.
  • (2012). “Brazilian Eutropies: Translation as Cultural Empowerment.”
    In Clara Sarmento (Ed.) In Permanent Transit: Discourses and Maps. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 37-50.
  • (2012). “‘Around Reason Feeling’: Poe’s Impact on Fernando Pessoa’s Modernist Proposals.” In Barbara Cantalupo (Ed.) Poe’s Pervasive Influence. Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 91-108.
  • (2010). “Translation and Misconstruction in the Early Modern World – the Indo-Portuguese Encounter as Related by Camões.” In J. Prabhakara Rao and Jean Peeters (Eds.) Socio-Cultural Approaches to Translation: Indian and European Perspectives. New Dehli: Excel India Publishers, 89-97.
  • (2010). “Poe’s ‘Nevermore,’ Lisbon’s Ravens, and the Portuguese Ideology of Saudade.” In S. Araúdjo, JFDuarte and M. P. Pinto (Eds.) Trans/American, Trans/Oceanic, Trans/Lation: Issues in International American Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Creative writing (to the extent that it embodies research):

  • (2013). Mulher ao Mar Retorna. Lisboa: Mariposa Azual. Poetry.
  • (2011). Fernando Pessoa e a Poesia dos EUA no Século XIX. Lisboa: Oficina do Cego. Poetry.
  • (2010). Desligar e Voltar a Ligar (Co-auth: Rui Costa). Playwright for the Youth International Theatre Festival “Panos”. Lisbon: Culturgest.
  • (2009). Mulher ao Mar. Lisboa: Mariposa Azual. Poetry.

Performances and exhibitions to the extent that they embody research:

  • (2014). Poetry performance “Leitura / Escuta”. Festival Poesia, Um dia. Vila Velha de Ródão. Sep.
  • (2013). “A Poesia de Intervenção: o que é feito dela?”. Poetry Festival Mal Dito. Coimbra. Mar.
  • (2012-...). Creative Writing Program Palavras que o Vento não Levará. Casa da Achada, Lisboa.
  • (2012-...). Org. consultant of “Poesia, Um Dia.” Vila Velha de Ródão, Sep.
  • (2012). Poetry Performance + Luz. Lisboa.
  • (2012). “Voltar o Poema para Cima”. Poetry Reading Program “A Voz do Século”. Lisboa, Jul.
  • (2010). Exhibition curator of “Mark Twain em Portugal”. National Library of Portugal, Oct.
  • (2009). Exhibition curator of “Edgar Allan Poe em Portugal”. National Library of Portugal, Mar.

Organisation of scientific dissemination activities:

  • (2013). Main Org. Neither Here nor There, Yet Both: Int. Conf. on the Luso-American Experience (Co-org: IOMartins), U Lisboa/U Nova Lisboa, 11-13 Jul.
  • (2013). Workshop “Translating with Authors” (Co-org: IOMartins), Disquiet – Int. Literary Program / ESC-ULICES, 4-12 Jul.
  • (2013). Org. Committee 24th Annual APEAA Conference, U Lisboa, 9-10 May.
  • (2012). Org. Panel: “Crisis and Imagination after Poe” (Co-org: Emron Esplin), American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Conference, Brown U, 29-31 Mar.
  • (2011). Org. Workshop “Translating with Authors” (Co-org: Isabel Oliveira Martins), Disquiet – Int. Literary Program / ESC-ULICES.
  • (2010). Org. Committee Int. Conf. Narrative and Medicine: Illness and Dialogue, U Lisboa, 13-14 Sep.
  • (2009). Org. AIA – Arts, Ideias, Academe (Co-org: Paulo Raposo), Portuguese Club of Arts and Ideas (CPAI), Sep-Dec.
  • (2009). Main Org. Int. Conf. Poe and Gothic Creativity (Co-org: Maria Antónia Lima), U Lisboa/BNP/Museu Fernando Pessoa, 18-20 Mar.

Other activities


  • (2014). “Não Precisas de Ir a Roma pra Ver o Papa.” Leitura Furiosa 2014, 8-9.
  • (2013). “A Poesia é o Resultado de uma Perfeita Economia das Palavras / Poetry is the Net Result of a Perfect Economy of Words.” Cine Qua Non # 7. 112-119.
  • (2013). “Já se disseram coisas para todas as situações?” Leitura Furiosa 2013, 11-12.
  • (2012). “Quatro Vozes de Mulheres e a Vida um Dia à Vez.” Leitura Furiosa 2012, 14-15.
  • (2011). “O Encontro é na Casa da Achada.” Leitura Furiosa 2011, 17-18.
  • (2010). “Fantastic Art in Portugal” (Co-auth: MALima). Cine Qua Non #2, 72-87.
  • (2010). “Sete Traduções que Mudaram a História.” Ler, Jul-Aug, 12.
  • (2009) “Poe ou a Locura Metódica..” i, 40.
  • (2009). “Sobre a Universalidade da Literatura.” Bibliotecário de Babel, 18 Mar.


  • (2014). Participation, by nomination, in the Salzburg Seminar American Studies Association (SSASA) 2014 Symposium: “Defining America, New Voices, New Writing, New Directions”, 27 Sep – 1 Oct.
  • (2013). Book launch O Estado de Nova Iorque, by Tiago Patrício. Chapitô, Lisbon, July 4.
  • (2012). Evaluation panel of the Bilateral Coop. Program, MoU FCT/CAPES.
  • (2012). “Todos os Meios Sentidos Dão à Luz”, presented in António Poppe, Assírio & Alvim O Livro da Luz book launch. Lisboa.
  • (2012). Presentation in Maria Antónia Lima Palavras Assombradas book launch. Lisboa, FNAC Colombo.
  • (2011) Presentation in Ana Salomé Alice na Casa das Maravilhas book launch. Lisboa, Bertrand Chiado, 29 Oct.
  • (2010). “Línguas de Gato: entre-escrita com Margarida Vale de Gato.” Interviewed by Maria João Freitas, Alice # 1, May-Jun.
  • (2010). Respondent to Srikanth Reddy in Int. Conf. Whose Words: Alternative Theories of Authorship in Portuguese and American Poetry in the 21st Century, U Lisboa, 27 May.
  • (2009-2011). Assistant Ed. Anglo Saxonica. CEAUL/ULICES.
  • (2009-...). Copyeditor and proofreader of Cine Qua Non: Bilingual Arts Magazine.
  • (2008-...). Edit. Board of Series “Edições Gil Vicente, Cátedra Gil Vicente," U Birmingham, UK.

Presentations in international conferences

By invitation:

  • (2014). Workshop “Da Leitura à Escrita”. Jornadas de Atualização Docente (PLE / L2) / Instituto Camões. Vigo, 14-15 Nov.
  • (2013). “Correntes d´Escritas y la literatura portuguesa actual” (with Manuela Ribeiro and Afonso Cruz). VII Salón del Libro Iberoamericano de Huelva, Caja Rural del Sur. 16 Oct.
  • (2013). “‘Excellent System(s) of Positive Translation(s): Why Poe Translators Have Neither Been Invisible Nor Ephemeral” (Co-auth: Emron Esplin). Int. Conf. Positively Poe, U Virginia, 24-26 Jun.
  • (2011). “Literary Translation: Portuguese-Language Translation Workshops” (Invited Lecturer), U Birmingham, 3 Feb.


  • (2014). with Diana Almeida, “Multiple Strings in the Mandarin Paradox: Katherine Vaz in Dialogue.” 13th International Conference on the Short Story in English. Vienna. 16-19 July.
  • (2013). “Taking in Air in Frank X Gaspar’s Early Poetry and How to Translate its Brea(d)th”. Exploring the Portuguese Diaspora in InterDISCIPLINARY and Comparative Perspectives. Butler University, Indianapolis, 25-27 July.
  • (2013). Lolita – How to Translate a Homage to Second-rate English by a Franco(pedo)phile. Version/Subversion, the Canon and Its Discontents: an international conference on literary translation, FLUP, 12-14 Dec.
  • (2013). “Conditions and Strategies for Translating Heterolingualism in Diasporic Literatures” (Co-auths: IOMartins and RQBarros). 8th EST Conference. Gemersheim, 29 Aug-1 Sep.
  • (2012). “Inconvenient influences – as Illustrated by Three Raven Rewrites in Portuguese Literature.” Int. Conf. Conversazioni in Italia – Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edgar Allan Poe, Florence, 8-10 Jun-
  • (2012). “Poe Translations in Portugal: A Standing Challenge for Changing Literary Systems.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Conference, Georgetown, Providence, 29-31 Mar.
  • (2011). “Pulling out the Bird’s Tongue: Late Nineteenth-Century Rewrites of ‘The Raven’ in Portuguese Literature.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Mar 31-3 Apr.
  • (2010). “Literary Translation and IT” (Co-auth: Jeffrey Childs). Tracks and Treks in Translation Studies, 6th European Society for Translation Studies (EST) Conference, Leuven, 23-25 Sep.

Presentations in national conferences

By invitation:

  • (2014). “Rui Costa: Leitura e Comentário.” Terças da Poesia Clandestina. Lisbon, 14 October.
  • (2014).  Conferência sobre O Som e a Fúria. Casa Fernando Pessoa. 7 Jan.
  • (2013). “Edgar Allan Poe.” Encontro de leitores, Palácio da Fronteira (Palácio da Fronteira, Readers’ Club), 21 Oct.
  • (2013). “Línguas Divididas: Tradução e Heteroglossia.” FLUL, 4 Oct.
  • (2012). Roundtable “Poetry and Crisis”, U Lisboa, 21 May.
  • (2011). “Tradução Literária: Uma Humilde Digressão” (Invited Lecturer), U Lusófona, 24 Mar.
  • (2011). “Translation and Diaspora in Portuguese North-American Literature.” What we talk about when we talk about America, U Lisboa, 18 May.
  • (2011). “A Saudade Escreve e eu Translado.” Ciência em Português, U Lisboa, 11 Mar.
  • (2009). “Tradução: Experiência Entre Campos” (Invited Lecturer), CEI-ISCAP, Porto, 13 Feb.
  • (2010). Roundtable on Translating for Children, Jornadas Internacionais de Tradução de Literatura Infanto-Juvenil, U Coimbra, 20-21 May.
  • (2010). Roundtable on Fernando Pessoa’s Legacy, Int. Symposium Central de Poesia: A Recepção de Fernando Pessoa nos anos 40, U Lisboa, 3-4 Dec.


  • (2013). “PEnPAL - Portuguese - English Platform for Anthologies of Literary Translation” (Co-auth: RVAzevedo), 24th Annual APEAA Conference, U Lisboa, 9-10 May.
  • (2012). “Serviços de Circe: Leituras Criativas para a Prática da Literatura.” Int. Conf. Recycling Myths/Revisitar o Mito, U Lisboa, 2-4 May.
  • (2011). “‘Immodest Demands for a Different World’: The Portuguese Discoveries in US Verse by Women” (Co-auth: DAlmeida). 2nd Int. Conf. on Anglo-Portuguese Studies. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Lisboa, 18-20 Apr.

Future Research:

  • (Ongoing). Supervision of Nuno Marques, “Tradução de cartas de Neal Cassady”. (M.A. in Translation)
  • (Ongoing). Co-supervision of Tânia Ribeiro. “Tradução e seleção de poemas de Elizabeth Bishop”. (M.A. in Translation)
  • (Ongoing). Supervision of Neuza Oliveira, "Tradução da Ficção Curta de Terror de Clive Barker" (M.A. in Translation)
  • (Ongoing). Supervision of Joana Rio Fernandes, “The Translation of Humour in Twain’s Short Narratives”. (M. A. in Translation)
  • (2014). “‘Will the Aliens Come Home?’ Diaspora and Translation in Portuguese-American Literature.” In M. Pinto, R. B. Maia and S. R. Pinto (Eds.) How Peripheral is the Periphery? Translation Studies in Portugal – A Tribute to João Ferreira Duarte. Cambridge Scholars Press.
  • (Forthcoming). “‘Immodest Demands for a Different World’: The Portuguese Discoveries in US Verse by Women” (Co-auth: DAlmeida).
  • (2015). “Eddie Poe the Scrivener” (Co-auth: John Grusser), 4th International Edgar Allan Poe Conference. Feb.
  • (Nov. 2015). “The Collaborative Anthology in the Literary Translation Course.” The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (under review).



      University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)

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