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Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)
Alameda da Universidade - Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

Horário de atendimento:
2ª a 6ª-feira,

10h00 às 17h00



(00351) 21 792 00 92







Anabela Fernandes Duarte
Grupo de Investigação: Estudos Americanos (GI 3)
Categoria profissional: Researcher
Graus Académicos: (2014) PhD in American Literature and Culture Studies; (2006) MA Comparative Literature; (1996) MA Anthropology; (1994) Licenciate in Anthropology.
Morada institucional: CEAUL - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa, Portugal
Endereço de correio electrónico: Este endereço de e-mail está protegido de spam bots, pelo que necessita do Javascript activado para o visualizar

Principais Resultados Científicos:

  • (2014). “Musicoliterary Configurations in Paul Bowles Work: Music, Violence and Politics,” (Supervisors: Teresa Alves and Mário Vieira de Carvalho). PhD in American Studies. U Lisboa. Final Mark: Summa cum laude/Muito bom com Louvor por Unanimidade.
  • (2006). “Postmodern Identity and Conspiracy in The New York Trilogy, by Paul Auster,” (Supervisors: Teresa Alves and Helena Buescu). MA in Comparative Literature. U Lisboa. Final Mark: Muito Bom por Unanimidade.
  • (1994). “The Fantastic in Verdi’s Opera Macbeth,” (Supervisor: Mesquitela Lima). Licenciate in Anthropology. U Nova Lisboa. Final Mark: 18 valores.

Actividade Científica

Publicações em revistas com arbitragem científica e/ou outras publicações:

  • (2015). “Acousmatic and Acoustic Violence and Torture in the Estado Novo: The Notorious Revelations of the PIDE/DGS Trial in 1957,” in Music & Politics Journal, vol. IX, No. 1, Jan.
  • (2014). “Noise and violence in Up Above the World, by Paul Bowles: Music as Torture in Modern Fiction,” in Paul Bowles: The New Generation, Ed. Brill-Rodopi.
  • (2014). “Paul Bowles Now and Then,” introduction to the volume Paul Bowles: The New Generation. Do You Bowles? Ed. Brill-Rodopi.
  • (2010). “The Raven and The Mask of the Red Death: Lou Reed, Diamanda Galàs and Edgar Allan Poe’s Resistance Aesthetics in Contemporary Music,” ed. Margarida Vale de Gato and Maria Antónia Lima, Edgar Allan Põe Review, Põe and Inter-Arts, Sring 2010, Vol. XI, No. 1.
  • (2010). “Introduction”, in Conf. Prog. “Do You Bowles”, 21- 23 Oct., U of Lisbon.(2010) “Introduction”, in Exhibition Catalogue Pirates at Heart: Excavating Paul Bowles, Int. Conf. “Do You Bowles?”, U of Lisbon Library in association with U of Delaware Library.
  • (2010). “Arte e Inovação: A Electrodiva Pamela Z”, Arte Capital, sept. 4.
  • (2009). “A “Máscara da Morte Vermelha”, de Edgar Allan Poe e Diamanda Galàs – Para uma Estética da Resistência na Música Contemporânea”, Umbigo, 2009.

Livros e capítulos de livros com circulação internacional:

  • (2014). Editor of the volume of essays Paul Bowles: The New Generation. Do You Bowles? Dialogue Series. Amsterdam/New York: Brill-Rodopi, Dec.. www.doyoubowles.com


  • (2010). “Introduction”, in Conference Program “Do You Bowles”, 21- 23 Oct. CEAUL-ULICES, FLUL, U of Lisbon.
  • (2010). “Introduction”, in Exhibition Catalogue “Pirates at Heart: Excavating Paul Bowles”, International Conference “Do You Bowles?” U of Lisbon Library in association with U of Delaware Library.


  • (2010). ‘“Yoko Ono Plastic Band – Between my Head and the Sky”: Múltipla Fantasia em Múltiplos Estilos”’, Novo disco da artista. Revista online Arte Capital, Jun.  
  • (2009). A influência de Poe na Estética e na Criação Musical Contemporânea”, Publicado e adaptado para edição online, no site Jornalismo Porto Net—Universidade do Porto—Abril.
  • (2009). “Os limites do horror: vampiros, tecnologia e buracos negros, Fred Botting”, Sobre o novo livro do autor The Limits of Horror: Technology, Bodies, Gothic, 2008. Umbigo, Out.
  • (2008). “A arte e o terror: O homem em queda, de Don Delillo”, Umbigo, Abril.
  • (2008). “Sexo, colagens e rock & roll: Don Quixote, de Kathy Acker”, Umbigo, Julho 2008.

Materiais de áudio/visual e electrónico/digital:

  • (2014). Making Of, w/ Mler ife Dada, dir. Anabela Duarte, Tiago Faden and Nuno Rebelo.
  • (2014). Valete de Copas and Zuvi Zeva Novi, w/ Mler ife Dada, promo CD, Lisboa Records.
  • (2008). La Luna, (Bellini, Donizetti, Rossini), trans. Margarida Periquito, w/ Ian Mirkitoumov, Ed. Universal.

Espectáculos e exposições desde que se enquadre no âmbito da investigação:

  • (2011). Org. première of the film Songs of War: Music as a Weapon, dir. Tristan Chytroschek (DE), at Cinemateca de Lisboa, Nov. Int. Grammy - Best Arts Documentary 2012.
  • (2011). Coord. of the partnership between the Do You Bowles? Conf. and Festival Pop Up Lisbon 2011: Urban Nomads, with visual artists Luísa Cunha (Bowles Express) and Ana Perez-Quiroga (Hommage a Jane Bowles).
  • (2011). Coord. “Collaborative Exhibition with Drawings Inspired in the Legacy of Paul Bowles,” w/ patients-artists and Artur Moreira of CHPL (The Psychiatric Hospital Center of Lisbon), Pavillion 27.
  • (2010). Singing perf. Orient Museum, w/Irene Herrmann and songs of Paul Bowles, in “Do You Bowles? Paul Bowles Centennial”, Oct. 21-23.
  • (2010). Org. music prog. Int. conf. “Do You Bowles?, Orient Museum, w/ António Rosado (PT), Richard Horowitz (US) and pianist and musical executor of Paul Bowles estate, Irene Herrmann (US).
  • (2010). Coord. biblio and video exhibition “Pirates at Heart – Excavating Paul Bowles”, w/ University of Delaware, Francis Pool and Tim Murray, U Lisbon Library.
  • (2010). Coord. film exhibition “Do You Bowles?” int. conf. at Cinemateca de Lisboa, screenings of You are not I, (1981), Sara Driver, Traces of Sand and Water. The lives of Jane and Paul Bowles (1990), Javier-Martin Dominguez and Paul Bowles: Creating a Legend, Karim Debbagh (2007). Followed by a discussion with the film directors and Francis Pool, Head Instructional Media Collection, U Delaware, Newark.

Organização de actividades dessiminação científica:

  • (2015). Organizer and director of the web based archive dedicated to Paul Bowles scholarship: conferences, books, articles and other multimedia materials.
  • (2011). Administrator of the FB page "Music as a Weapon," which aims to foster critical thinking about music as an area of agression and violence.
  • (2011). Organization of the international meeting “Music as torture and as a weapon”, Nov. at Portuguese Cinematheque. Premiére of the film “Songs of War - Music as a Weapon”/International Grammy-Best Arts Documentary 2012, by Tristan Chytroschek, and the book Sonic Warfare, by Steve Goodman. followed by a public debate with guests Irene Pimentel (PT), Susana Sousa Dias (PT), Tristan Chytroschek (DE) e Steve Goodman (GB).
  • (2010…). Administrator of the Paul Bowles/Doyoubowles FB page, dedicated to Paul Bowles and Jane Bowles scholarship and interaction with community. 
  • (2010). Organization of the international conference “Do You Bowles?” 21-22-23 Out. in U de Lisboa - FLUL, Orient Museum and Portuguese Cinematheque.
  • (2010). Coordination of the exhibition: “Pirates at heart: Excavating Paul Bowles”, in UL-FLUL.
  • (2010). Coordination of the musical event, “The Music of Paul Bowles” at the Orient Museum, with guest artists António Rosado (pianist), Irene Herrmann (pianist and executor of Paul Bowles musical estate), Richard Horowitz (composer) and Anabela Duarte (singer).
  • (2010). Org. Do You Bowles? International conference extension to the Pop Up Festival, “Urban Nomads,” in Lisbon.
  • (2010). Workshop with Anabela Duarte on the presentation of Paul Bowles to some of the renown patients-artists of CHPL (The Psychiatric Hospital Center of Lisbon). Artists produced their work inspired by the talk. Nov. 2.
  • (2010). Exhibition at Pavilhão 27, Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, entitled “Exposição Colaborativa com Desenhos Inspirados no Legado de Paul Bowles”. Artist: Artur Moreira. Nov. 6.
  • (2010). Visual-Audio-Plastic exhibition of the artists Luísa Cunha / entitled “Bowles Express” and Ana Pérez-Quiroga, “Hommage à Jane Bowles”, about Paul and Jane Bowles, at the Orient Station. Nov-Dec.

Outras actividades

  • (2014). Homenagem a William Burroughs: "Poesia e o Mundo Mágico de William Burroughs", em Poetas do Povo, 22 de Dezembro.
  • (2014). Concerto de Tributo a Miró - MusicBox, 13 de Junho.
  • (2014). Making Of, w/ Mler ife Dada, dir. Anabela Duarte, Tiago Faden and Nuno Rebelo.
  • (2014). Valete de Copas and Zuvi Zeva Novi, w/ Mler ife Dada, promo CD, Lisboa Records.
  • (2008). La Luna, (Bellini, Donizetti, Rossini), trans. Margarida Periquito, w/ Ian Mirkitoumov, Ed. Universal.
  • (2008). “Flamingo Elegante,” Vera e os seus Amigos, CD.
  • (2006). Machine Lyrique, Kurt Weill and Boris Vian, w/ Ian Mikirtoumov, Prod., Ed. Dargil, CD/booklet.
  • (2005). Blank Melodies, Electronic/Improv, Ed. Zounds-Sabotage, CD
  • (2004). “Baby”, Uma Outra História, Coord. Henrique Amaro, Ed. Fnac, CD.
  • (2003). Pequena Fábula, Ed. Universal (w/ Mler ife Dada), CD/booklet.
  • (2001). Dust Tracks, Ed. Autor.
  • (1999). Delito, Ed. Ananana, CD.
  • (1998). Of Horizon Enough, w/Paulo da Costa Domingues and Helder Moura Pereira, spoken/vocalic Word, Ed. Frenesi, CD_booklet.
  • (1991). Subtilmente, Ed. Autor – Inst. da Juventude, vinyl.
  • (1991). Phado and Mar de Coral w/ Duplex Longa.CD.
  • (1989). (2003). Lishbunah, Ed. Universal, vinyl, CD.
  • (1988) .(1998). Espírito Invisível (w/ Mler ife Dada), vinyl, CD.
  • (1987). (1998). Coisas que fascinam (w/ Mler ife Dada), vinyl, CD.
  • (1984). “Intro” w/Ocaso Épico, Ed. Rock Rendez-Vous. LP.

Comunicações apresentadas em conferências internacionais

Por proposta:

  • (2013). ‘“Unlocking the “Segredo”: The 1957’s scandalous process of the PIDE-DGS – Politics of sound violence and torture in the Portuguese “Estado Novo”. Int. Conf. Music in Detention, U Göttingen, 15-16 Mar.
  • (2009). “Edgar Allan Poe’s Influence in Contemporary Music: Debussy’s ‘Théâtre de la Peur’ (the Devil of Belfry and The Fall of the House of Usher), Lou Reed and Diamanda Galas.” 107th Annual PAMLA Conference, San Francisco, 6-7 Nov.

Comunicações apresentadas em conferências nacionais

Por proposta:

  • (2012). “Musico-Literary Configurations in Paul Bowles Work,” pres. at Jornada de Jovens Investigadores do CEAUL, U Lisbon.
  • (2011). “Music as Torture and as a Weapon in Modern Fiction,” ICA (American Culture Institute), U Lisbon, Jun. 8.
  • (2009). “The Raven and The Mask of the Red Death: Lou Reed, Diamanda Galás and Edgar Allan Poe’s Resistance Aesthetics in Contemporary Music.” Int. Conf. Poe and Gothic Creativity, CEAUL/ULICES, U Lisboa, 17-19 Mar.
  • (2008). “Alternative configurations of space, identity and languages in Their Heads are Green and Their Hands are Blue, by Paul Bowles”. Int. Conf. From Brazil to Macao: Travel Writing and Diasporic Spaces, CEAUL/ULICES, U Lisboa, 10-14 Sep.

Investigação Futura:

  • (2016). New book on Paul Bowles.
  • (2015). Post Doctoral Research.





Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)

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