
Português (pt-PT)
Isabel Maria do Nascimento Simões Ferreira

Research Group: English Culture (RG 2)
Professional Title: Coordinating Lecturer

Institutional Address: Escola Superior de Comunicação Social – Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Campus de Benfica do IPL, 1549-014 Lisboa, Portugal.
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Research Projects:

  • The British Empire, Ideologies, Perspectives, Perceptions.

Academic Degrees:

  • Doctorate in Anglo-Portuguese Studies, specialising in Literature, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Lisbon New University (1999).
  • Master’s Degree in Anglo-Portuguese Studies, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Lisbon New University (1989).
  • First Degree in Modern Languages and Literature: English/German, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon (1982).


  • Visões do Império: Os Ingleses na Índia, Lisbon, Edições Colibri, 2006.
  • “Representação da Índia Portuguesa: Apreço e/ou Apropriação?”, in Coelho, T. Pinto (ed.), Os Descobrimentos Portugueses no Mundo de Língua Inglesa, 1880-1972, Lisbon, Edições Colibri, 2006, pp. 75-109.
  • Momentos Discursivos do Encontro Anglo-Português com a Índia, Lisbon, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, 2005.
  • “Herança e Interrogação em A Passage to India”, in Estudos Anglo-Portugueses. Livro de Homenagem a Leonor Machado de Sousa, Lisbon, Edições Colibri, 2003,  pp. 479-495.
  • “A Morte da Princesa de Gales: Mediatização e Mitificação”, Comunicação Pública, in Revista Multidisciplinar de Comunicação, vol. 1,  No. 1, Lisbon, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, 2005, pp. 27-39.
  • “Mickle’s Translation: a Reappraisal”, in Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses, No. 13, Lisbon, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2004, pp. 83-93.
  • “A Devolução de Hong Kong à China na Perspectiva de Chris Patten, o Último dos Governadores Britânicos”, in Estudos Sobre a China IV, vol. II, Lisbon, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, 2002, pp. 899-914.
  • “As Memsahibs no Contexto Colonial do Subcontinente Indiano”, Proceedings of the 21st Conference of APEAA, Viseu, 2002, pp. 481-490.
  • “A Crise das Ilhas Falkland: a Retórica Política e Jornalística na Encruzilhada entre o Mito e a Realidade”, Estudos Políticos e Sociais, Lisbon, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, 2001, pp. 54-119.
  • “Uma Leitura Mickliana de Os Lusíadas”, in Machado de Sousa, Leonor (ed.), Camões em Inglaterra, Lisbon, ICALP, 1991, pp.75-100.


  • “A Narrativa de Viagem e a Construção do Império Britânico no Oriente: os Contributos de Richard Hakluyt e Samuel Purchas, e o Uso dos Exemplos Portugueses”, paper presented at the International Conference “From Brazil to Macao: Travel Writing and Diasporic Spaces”, organised by the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies, 10-14 September, 2008.
  • Coordinator responsible for the organisation of a cycle of international conferences, held by the Master’s Degree Course in Journalism (Lisbon School of Communication and Media Studies, Lisbon Polytechnic Institute) and the Master’s Degree Course in Communication and Journalism (Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra), with the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.  Guest speakers:  Norman Fairclough (29-30 April), Hugh O’Donnell (13-14  May), Karen Boyle (26  May) and Ian Garwood (27 May), 2008.
  • “Representação da Índia Portuguesa: Apreço e/ou Apropriação?”, paper presented at the International Workshop on “The Portuguese Discoveries in the English-Speaking World, 1880-1972, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, 10-11 December, 2003.
  • “Mickle’s Translation: a Reappraisal”, paper presented at the Seminar on Camões in English, organised by the Centre for Anglo-Portuguese Studies,  with the support of the Luso-American Foundation, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Lisbon New University,  15 December, 2003.
  • “Um Passo para a Modernidade: o Ensino do Inglês na China dos Nossos Dias”, paper presented at the International Conference on the 6th Chinese Cultural Week, Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Lisbon Technical University,  13-18 January, 2003.
  • “A Cultura Mediática e o Sentido de Identidade do Cidadão de Hong Kong”, paper presented at the International Conference on the 5th Chinese Cultural Week, Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Lisbon Technical University, 21-26 January, 2002.
  • “A Devolução de Hong Kong à China na Perspectiva de Chris Patten, o Último dos Governadores Britânicos”, paper presented at the International Conference on the 4th Chinese Cultural Week, Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Lisbon Technical University, 15-19 January, 2001.   “Kim e a Narrativa de Aventura Imperial”, paper presented at the 22nd International Conference of  APEAA, University of the Algarve, 22-24  March, 2001.
  • Course on English Literature at the University of Edinburgh:  “Discontinuity and the Quest for Tradition in Britain: 1900-1985”, Scottish Universities’ Summer School, July-August, 1985.

Other curricular elements:

  • Head of the Department of Journalism at Lisbon School of Communication and Media Studies, Lisbon Polytechnic Institute (ESCS), since 2004.
  • Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Journalism at ESCS, since 2007.

University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)

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