de Investigação: Estudos Ingleses: Cultura (GI 2) Categoria profissional: Investigadora
Graus Académicos: (2012). Doutoramento em Literatura e Cultura, U Lisboa.
Morada institucional: CEAUL -Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa
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Principais Resultados Científicos:
- (2012). “O despertar da consciência cívica feminina: identidade e valores da pedagogia feminina de finais do século XVIII. Os casos de Mary Wollstonecraft, Catherine Macaulay e Hannah More,” (Supervisor: ASerras, U Lisboa), U Lisboa, (PhD in Literature and Culture). 30 Jul.
- (2010). International Journal of Arts & Sciences Research Merit Award, U Nevada, Las Vegas. 16 Mar.
Actividade Científica
Publicações em revistas com arbitragem científica e/ou outras publicações:
- (2012). “Catharine Macaulay: an Unsex’d Female.” Humanities and Social Sciences Review 1 (1): 19-21.
- (2011). “Hannah More: anti-feminist, counter-revolutionary or conservative feminist?” International Journal of Arts and Sciences 4 (24): 93-7.
- (2011). “Catharine Macaulay: The Oucasting of a Genius.” International Journal of Arts and Sciences 4 (14): 41-6.
- (2011). “Letters on Education: Catharine Macaulay’s Apology for Female Education.” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought 1 (4): 167-173.
- (2011). “Mary Astell’s Conservative Contribution to Female Education.” International Journal of Arts and Sciences 4 (1): 14-22.
- (2010). “Female Education in the Eighteenth-Century: The contribution of Mary Wollstonecraft's Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.” International Journal of Arts and Sciences 3 (16): 202-216.
- (2010). “Eighteenth-Century Female Education: From Mary Astell’s Conservatism to Catharine Macaulay’s Radicalism.” International Journal of Arts and Sciences 3(14): 20-27.
Outros indicadores de produção científica:
- (2007). “O despertar da Consciência Cívica Feminina: Identidade e Valores Femininos na Literatura Proto-Feminista do Século XVIII.” Interacções 4: 46-59.
- Co-ed. Artciência (Peer-reviewed periodical on Arts, Sciences and Communication).
- Co-ed. Interacções (Peer-reviewed periodical on Cultural and Sciences regarding pedagogical matters).
- Centre Professor Doutor Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão. Researcher.
Outras actividades
Comunicações apresentadas em conferências internacionais:
- (2013). “The unholy trinity of Eighteenth-century London vices.” Int. Conf. Literary London 2013, U London, 17-19 Jul.
- (2013). “Catharine Macaulay’s correspondence with American fellows: A blueprint for English politics?” Int. Conf. Roots, Routes and Routs: American and British Literature in the Long 18th Century, Plymouth U, 1-2 Jul.
- (2012). “Merry London or Sordid London?” Int. Conf. Literary London 2012, U London, 4-6 Jul.
- (2012). “Mary Wollstonecraft’s Female Academy.” Int. Conf. Londonicity 2012, U London, 22-24 Jul.
- (2012). “Elizabeth Donkin’s unlikely contribution to the making of a south-African city.” Int. Conf. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, La Baume, Aix-en-Provence, 21-24 May.
- (2011). “The Quest for Knowledge: Eighteenth-Century Women’s Plight for Contemporary Accomplishment.” Int. Conf. Gender Variations in Educational Success: Searching for Causes, U Luxembourg, 3-5 Oct.
- (2011). “Mary Wollstonecraft’s School for Girls in Newington Green.” Int. Conf. Literary London 2011, U London, 20-22 Jul.
- (2012). “Hannah More: A Remarkable Bluestocking.” Int. Conf. Londonicity 2011, U London, 12-14 Jul.
- (2011). “Catharine Macaulay: an Unsex’d Female.” Int. Conf. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Harvard U, 30 May-2 Jun.
- (2011). “Catharine Macaulay: the Outcasting of a Genius.” Int. Conf. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Ryerson U, 23-26 May.
- (2011). “Hannah More: Anti-Feminist, Counter-Revolutionary Or Conservative Feminist?” Int. Conf. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, U Malta, 6-10 Mar.
- (2010). “Mary Astell’s Conservative Contribution to Female Education.” Int. Conf. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Gottenheim, 28 Nov.-3 Dec.
- (2010). “Letters on Education: Catharine Macaulay’s Apology for Female Education.” Int. Conf. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Washington U, Rome, Italy, 22-25 Nov.
- (2010). “The Bluestocking Literary Circle.” Int. Conf. Literary London 2010, U London, 7-9 Jul.
- (2010). “Female Education in the Eighteenth-Century: The contribution of Mary Wollstonecraft’s Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.” Int. Conf. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Harvard U, 31 May-3 Jun.
- (2010). “Eighteenth-Century Female Education: From Mary Astell’s Conservatism to Catharine Macaulay’s Radicalism.” Int. Conf. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, U Nevada, 15-18 Mar.
Comunicações apresentadas em conferências nacionais:
- (2012). “A Tale of Two Wives: David Copperfield’s undisciplined heart.” Int. Conf. Reviewing Imperial Conflicts, U Lisboa, 27- 28 Oct.
- (2011). “Port Elizabeth: in loving memory of a perfect woman.” Int. Conf. Reviewing Imperial Conflicts, U Lisboa, 27-28 Oct.
- (2011). “The Importance of Study for Women and by Women.” 32nd Conf. Portuguese Association for English and American Studies, U Coimbra, 12-14 May.
- (2010). “Mary Astell: envisioning an unworldly feminine world.” 31st Conf. Portuguese Association for English and American Studies, U Lisboa, 15-17 Apr.
Investigação Futura:
- (Forthcoming). “Elizabeth Donkin’s unlikely contribution to the making of a South African City.” In Revewing Imperial Conflicts.
- (Forthcoming). “The Importance of Study for Women and by Women: Hannah More’s defence of female education as the path to their patriotic contribution.” In Jorge Bastos da Silva (Ed.). CETAPS/FLUP.