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Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)
Alameda da Universidade - Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

Horário de atendimento:
2ª a 6ª-feira,

10h00 às 17h00



(00351) 21 792 00 92







Ana Raquel Lourenço Fernandes
Grupo de Investigação: Estudos Ingleses: Literatura (GI 1)
Categoria profissional: Assistant Professor (Universidade Europeia – Laureate International Universities)
Graus Académicos: PhD (Comparative Literature); MA (Comparative Literature); Honours Degree (Licenciatura em Línguas e Literaturas Modernas, variante Francês/Inglês).
Morada institucional: CEAUL - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa
Endereço de correio electrónico:  Este endereço de e-mail está protegido de spam bots, pelo que necessita do Javascript activado para o visualizar

Projectos de Investigação:

  • (2010-...). The Reception of British and Irish Short Fiction in Portugal and Portuguese Short Fiction in the United Kingdom and Ireland (1980-2010), CEAUL - ULICES / U Birmingham. Scient. Coord.
  • (2010-...). CILM - City and (In)security in Literature and the Media, (Scient. Coord. Susana Araújo – CEComparatistas). Collab.
  • (2009-2013). Post-doc research, “The Short Story in Contemporary British and Portuguese Women’s Writing and the Construction of a New Identity: Defining and Comparing Women Nowadays” (Supervisors: IFernandes, U Lisboa, Patricia Odber de Baubeta, U Birmingham), U Lisboa.

Principais Resultados Científicos:

  • (2012). Honourable Mention ESSE Book Award 2012, What about the Rogue? Survival and Metamorphosis in Contemporary British Literature and Culture.
  • (2009-2016). Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music, U Birmingham, U.K.
  • (2009). FCT Grant for Post-Doc Research (2009-2012/2012-2015).
  • (2008). “What about the Rogue? Survival and Metamorphosis in Contemporary British Literature” (Supervisor: IFernandes), U Lisboa (Ph.D. in Comparative Literature). Summa cum Laude. Dec.
  • (2008). Master of Research/Master of Art in Modern Foreign Languages’ unit "Strolling through the city: Lisbon," U London. 8, 15, 22 Feb. 
  • (2004). “Do pícaro ao rogue: sobrevivência e metamorfose de Daniel Defoe a Julian Barnes” (Supervisor: IFernandes, U Lisboa), U Lisboa (M.A. in Comparative Literature). Final Mark: Very Good.

Actividade Científica

Publicações em revistas com arbitragem científica e/ou outras publicações:

  • (2012). “Martin Amis’ 9/11: ‘The Second Plane’.” Reconstructions: Studies in Contemporary Culture. Vol. 12. Nr. 3. Theme Issue: (In)Securities. Ed. by Susana S. Martins and Susana Araújo.
  • (2010). “Luísa Costa Gomes, Escritora.” Anglo Saxonica: Revista do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa. Series III. Nr. 1: 363-368.
  • (2010). “Ieda Oliveira.” Faces de Eva. Estudos sobre a Mulher. Nr. 24: 153-157.
  • (2009). “À procura de espaço na cena contemporânea luso-brasileira.” Sala Preta – Revista de Artes Cênicas. Nr. 9: 103-110. 
  • (2009). “‘It’s just one of the wonders of the world’: James Donaghue in Under the Net.” Anglo Saxonica: Revista do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa. Series II. Nr. 27: 69-87.
  • (2009). “Hélia Correia: Com paixão e furor.” Sinais de Cena. APCT | Associação Portuguesa de Críticos de Teatro. Nr. 12: 55-64. 
  • (2008). “In Less Than No Time: Maria Judite de Carvalho’s ‘Tanta gente, Mariana’.” Luso-Brazilian Review. Vol. 45. Nr. 2: 135-153.
  • (2008). “Daniel Defoe, The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders (1722) and Joyce Cary, Herself Surprised (1941). Moll Flanders and Sara Monday: Two Female Rogues.” Op. Cit. Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos. Nr. 10: 55-62.

Livros e capítulos de livros com circulação internacional:

  • (2013). "From D’Aulnoy to Rego and Sherman: Fairy-tales Revisited” (Co-auth: Daniela Garcia.) In DAlmeida (Ed.) Women and the Arts: Dialogues in Female Creativity in the U.S. and Beyond. New York: Peter Lang, 85-105.
  • (2012). Inseguranças no Espaço Urbano: Perspectivas Culturais. Antologia (Co-eds: Susana Araújo and Sandra Bettencourt Pinto). V. N. Famalicão: Húmus.
  • (2012). “A.S. Byatt in the Footsteps of Myth.” In Ana Gabriela Macedo, Carlos Mendes de Sousa and Vítor Moura (Eds.) 13.º  Colóquio de Outono – Estética, Cultura Material e Diálogos Intersemióticos. V. N. Famalicão: Húmus / CEHUM, 71-80.
  • (2011). What about the Rogue? Survival and Metamorphosis in Contemporary British Literature and Culture. Brussels: Peter Lang.
  • (2009). “London Fields: Martin Amis’s Postmodern Dystopia.” In Elizabeth Russell (Ed.) Trans/Forming Utopia. The ‘Small Thin Story.’ Bern: Peter Lang. Vol. 2: 119-130.
  • (2008). Entries on s.v. “Anecdote”, s.v. “Fabliau”, s.v. “Hélia Correia”, s.v. “Jest and Joke”, s.v. “Moral”, s.v. “Paula Rego”, s.v. “Thief”, s.v. “Till Eulenspiegel”, s.v. “Trickster.” In Donald Haase (Ed.) The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales. Vols. 1-3. Westport / London: Greenwood Press.

Organização de atividades de disseminação científica:

  • (2013). Org. Committee Int. Conf. Images of Terror, Narratives of (In)Security: Literary, Artistic and Cultural Responses, U Lisboa, 23-24 Apr.
  • (2013). Org. Committee Round Table Portugal no mundo: além do medo de existir, U Europeia | Laureate International Universities, 21 Mar.
  • (2012). Org. Committee (Ex)Changes: Short Fiction in Portugal, the United Kingdom and Ireland (1980-2010), U Birmingham, 30 Nov.
  • (2012). Scient. Committee ‘The Power of Form’: Recycling Myths, ULICES-CEAUL / Centro de Estudos Clássicos, U Lisboa, 2-5 May.
  • (2012). Workshop Identity Subversion in Contemporary Women Artists
    (Co-orgs: Zuzanna Sanches and Diana Almeida), CEAUL/ULICES.
  • (2008). Org. Committee Colóquio Narração oral hoje: instrumento, tradição e arte (Co-org: Luís Carmelo), Trimagisto / IELT, Public Library of Évora, 13 Dec.

Outras actividades:

  • (2013). Peer review Faces de Eva. Estudos sobre a Mulher. Lisboa: U Nova Lisboa / Edições Colibri.
  • (2013). Guest Lecture on the impact of the picaresque on Daniel Defoe’s The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders. U Lisboa, 1 Mar (2nd session).
  • (2012). Peer review Fear and Fantasy in the Global World. Hermes Consortium for Literary and Cultural Studies.
  • (2011). Guest Lecture on the impact of the picaresque on Daniel Defoe’s The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders. U Lisboa, 30 Sep (1st session).
  • (2010). Visiting Scholar in Portuguese Studies, King’s College, London. Oct-Dec.
  • (2010-2013). Assistant Ed. of Anglo Saxonica: Revista do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa. CEAUL-ULICES, U Lisboa.

Comunicações apresentadas em conferências internacionais

Em painel:

  • (2012). “Women Authors in (Ex)Change: Short Fiction in Portugal and the United Kingdom (1980-2012).” Int. Conf. (Ex)Changes: Short Fiction in Portugal, the United Kingdom and Ireland (1980-2010), U Birmingham, 30 Nov.
  • (2012). “Myths and Cultural Memory – A Transcultural Context. 11th European Society for the Study of English Conference, Boğaziçi U, Turkey, 4-8 Sep.
  • (2011). "Myth and Fairy Tales in Contemporary Short Stories by Portuguese Women Writers." 12th Annual WISPS Conference, U London, 10-11 Nov.
  • (2010). “Friendship in Contemporary Short Fiction by Portuguese Women Writers.” 11th Annual WISPS Conference, Swansea U, 12-13 Nov.
  • (2010). “The Construction of a New Identity: Rewriting Myths in Contemporary British and Portuguese Women's Writing.” 19th Annual ICLA Congress,
    Chung-Ang U, Korea, 15-21 Aug.
  • (2009). “The Short Story in Maria Isabel Barreno’s Writing and the Construction of a New Identity.” 10th Annual WISPS Conference, U Oxford, 2-3 Oct.
  • (2009). “The Short Story in Hélia Correia’s Writing and the Construction of a New Identity.” 3rd ABIL Conference, National U Ireland, Maynooth, 11-12 Sep.

Comunicações apresentadas em conferências nacionais:

Em painel:

  • (2013). “A Bunch of Fives.” Conf. Mutations of the Short Story in Contemporary Societies, U Minho, 5-6 Sep.
  • (2012). “Comparatism, Cultural Memory and Women Authors.” 25th Anniversary of the Portuguese Association for Comparative Literature (APLC), 7th Conference - Pensar o Comparatismo: Percursos, Impasses e Perspetivas, U Aveiro, 5-7 Dec.
  • (2012). “Literature, Visual Arts, and Politics: Case Study of the Workshop ‘Identity Subversion in Contemporary Women Artists’” (Co-auth: DAlmeida). Conf. Discourses that Matter: Contemporary Approaches to English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, U Coimbra, 22-23 Nov.
  • (2012). “Cultural Memory Revisited by British and Portuguese Women’s Writing: Recasting Myths and Fairy Tales Nowadays.” Authority Versus Alterity: the return of hegemony? 33rd Annual APEAA Conference, U Católica, 20-22 Sep.
  • (2012). “Recasting Myths in Contemporary Short Fiction: British and Portuguese Women Authors.” Int. Conf. Recycling Myths, Inventing Nations, U Lisboa, 2-5 May.
  • (2011). “A. S. Byatt in the Footsteps of Myth.” 13.º Colóquio de Outono: Estética, Cultura Material e Diálogos Intersemióticos, U Minho, 17-19 Nov.
  • (2011). "In the footsteps of contemporary British and Portuguese women authors: myth and short fiction in the 21st century." Int. Conf. Mito e História, U Évora/CIDEHUS/U Picardie - Jules Verne, 24-26 Oct.
  • (2011). “Project Presentation: The reception of British and Irish Short Fiction in Portugal and Portuguese short fiction in the United Kingdom and Ireland (1980-2010).” 10th Int. Lusitania Association Conference, U Algarve, 18-23 Jul.
  • (2011). “From D’Aulnoy to Rego and Sherman: Fairy-tales Revisited” (Co-auth: Daniela Garcia). Int. Conf. Women and the Arts: Dialogues in Female Creativity in the U.S. and Beyond, U Lisboa, 15-17 Jun.
  • (2011). “Tales in Translation: from The Bloody Chamber into O Quarto dos Horrores.” 2nd Int. Conf. of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, CETAPS, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisboa, 18-20 Apr.
  • (2010). “Representations of Illness in Contemporary Short-fiction: Some Portuguese and British Examples.” Int. Conf. Narrative and Medicine: Illness and Dialogue, U Lisboa, 13-14 Sep.
  • (2010). “Recasting the Myth of Iphis in Contemporary British Writing: Ali Smith’s Girl Meets Boy.” Geographies of the Self, 31st Annual APEAA Conference, Sociedade de Geografia, 15-17 Apr.
  • (2009). “Dos lobos, lobisomens e meninas encapuçadas: o capuchinho vermelho na era tecnológica.” Oral Storytelling in the Technological Age, Project AIA – 4th Session, Clube Português de Artes e Ideias, 30 Nov.
  • (2008). “‘The Bloody Chamber’ and ‘O Belo Adormecido’: Intertextuality as an Effective Strategy to Subvert Conventions.” Int. Conf. Narração oral hoje: instrumento, tradição e arte, Trimagisto/IELT, Public Library of Évora, 13 Dec.
  • (2008). “‘The Bloody Chamber’ and ‘O Belo Adormecido’: intertextuality as an effective strategy to subvert conventions.” 6.º Congresso Nacional da APLC / 10.º Colóquio de Outono Comemorativo das Vanguardas, U Minho, 6-8 Nov.

Investigação Futura:

  • (2013). CCS - Comparative Critical Studies 10.3 Special Issue: Contemporary Short Fiction in Translation: the Cases of Portugal, the United Kingdom and Ireland (Co-ed: Claire Williams).  Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Oct.
  • (2013). The Power of Form: Recycling Myths (Co-ed: José Pedro Serra). Newcastle Upon Thyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Fall/Winter.
  • (2013). “Recasting Myths in Contemporary Short Fiction: British and Portuguese Women Authors.” In ARFernandes and José Pedro Serra (Eds.) The Power of Form: Recycling Myths. Newcastle Upon Thyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Fall/Winter.
  • (2013). Book Review of Henriette-Julie de Castelnau, Comtesse de Murat,
    A Trip to the Country
    . In Folklore: a fully peer-reviewed international journal of folklore and folklorists. Vol. 12.4. Issue 3. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. Fall/Winter.
  • (2013). Book Review of Owen, Hilary and Cláudia Pazos Alonso Antigone’s Daughters? Gender, Genealogy, and the Politics of Authorship in 20th-Century Portuguese Women’s Writing. In Luso-Brazilian Review, Madison-Wisconsin, Fall/Winter.
  • (Forthcoming). "Ler o Teatro." In Ingrid Koudela and José Simões de Almeida Jr. (Eds.) Léxico de Pedagogia do Teatro. São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva.
  • (Forthcoming). "Women Authors in (Ex)Change: Short Fiction in Portugal and the United Kingdom (1980-2012)." In Comparative Critical Studies. Vol. 10.3. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, Oct.
  • (Forthcoming). "Forging New Identities: Recasting Myths in Contemporary British and Portuguese Women's Writing." Proceedings of the 19th ICLA, Chung-Ang U, Seoul, Korea, 16-21 Aug.



Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)

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