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University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)
Alameda da Universidade
Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

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Monday - Thursday: 9.15am - 1.15pm and 2pm - 5pm



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Maria Teresa Gomes Ferreira de Almeida Alves

Research Group: American Studies – Interfacing Cultures and Identities (RG 3)
Professional Title: Emeritus Professor
Academic Degrees: (2004) Habilitation in American Studies, U Lisboa; (1988) Doctorate in American Literature, U Lisboa.
Institutional Address: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Research Projects:

  • (2013¬). Participation in the specific research areas of the group as well as in the research Thematic Lines of ULICES.
  • (2011¬). Senior scholar advisor to PenPal in translation, Portuguese - English Platform of Anthologies of Literature in Translation. (Scient. Coord. MVGato)
  • (2008­). Digital mapping of American Studies in Portugal (Portuguese Dictionary of North-American Studies).
  • (2002¬). American and Luso-American literature and culture in interdisciplinary perspective (From the Fifties onwards), with a special focus on: 1) The poetry and fiction of the Portuguese American writer Frank X. Gaspar; 2) The interrelation between Portuguese American and canonical American autobiography as a cultural mode.

Main Achievements:

  • (2011, 2013). Co-edition of 2 volumes on the Portuguese Diaspora (Narrating the Portuguese Diaspora: Piecing Things Together, 2011, and Portugal Pelo Mundo Disperso,2013).
  • (2012¬). Editorial Board of the InterDisciplinary Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies (IJPDS).
  • (2007¬). Board Member of The Society for the Study of the Short Story (SSSS) Co-organization of the International Conference in Lisbon (2006).
  • (2004-2007). Chair of the Depart. Estudos Anglísticos –DEA, FLUL
  • (2003-Oct. 2013). Principal Investigator Research Group in American Studies, Interfacing Cultures and Identities.
  • (1999-2004; 2007-2008) Director American Culture Institute, FLUL.
  • (1995-2007) co-coordinator of Exchange Program with Georgetown University, USA (with Teresa Cid).
  • (Fall Semester 1998). Visiting Professor at GU to teach one course at the English Department and a second course at the American Studies Program.
  • (1994-2000). Board Member of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS)). Co-organizer of 3 International Conferences (Warsaw, 1996); (Lisbon, 1998) (Graz, 2000).
  • (1993-2013). Co-organization of 17 international conferences in Lisbon
  • (1991-2009). Supervision of graduate seminars in English and American Studies Programs: 5 PhD theses and 21 MA dissertations.

Research Outputs

Publications in peer reviewed journals and/or other publications:

  • (2013). À descoberta da poesia luso-americana: Frank X Gaspar” followed by . “Uma testemunha dá a sua versão”. Translation of the poem by Frank X Gaspar “A Witness Gives His Version”, Revista Colóquio de Letras nº 183: resp. 36-7, 41-3.
  • (2012-2013). "Leaving Pico: Cultural Crossroading as Storytelling." Gávea-Brown: A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese-American Studies. Volume XXXIV-XXXV: 99-106. 
  • (2012). “Edging Away: the Short Story and the Art of Fiction” Gaudium Sciendi (nº 2, Julho): 119-132. http://www.ucp.pt/site/custom/template/ucptp/minisite.asp?sspageID=5267&lang=1
  • (2006). "American Studies at the University of Lisbon: New Horizons" Anglo-Saxónica, II-4: 169-172.
  • (2002) "Imprisonment and Madness: The Patterns of the Entrapped Self", Colóquio Identity Matters / Anglo-Saxónica, II - 16 and 17: 183-195.
  • (2001). “Some Enchanted Evening: Tuning In the Amazing Fifties, Switching Off the Elusive Decade”, American Studies International, XXXIX/3 : 25-40.
  • (1997). “In Praise of Saul’s Soul”, Looking for Mr. Bellow, American Studies International, XXXV/1 (February): 32-43.
  • (1997). "Women’s Narratives and The Shifts from the Canon", Feminae: Figuras de Identidade". Dedalus: Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada (Feb.): 15-27.
  • (1996). "Henry James: The Problematics of Cultural Identity", co-aut. Anglo-Saxónica, 2/3:145-158.
  • (1978). "American Studies in Portugal", co-author. American Studies International, XVI/1 (Autumn): 34-38.

Completed PhD theses:

  • (2013). Ana Cristina de Aguilar Costa e Franco, José Rodrigues Miguéis: Viajante entre Culturas. Co-supervision with Professor Onésimo Almeida, Brown University). Final Mark: Summa Cum Laude. 21 May.
  • (2009). Carlos Manuel Cravo Ventura, “Um problema de habitação? Vladimir Nabokov e o percurso para o romance americano”. Co-supervision with Professor Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa). Final Mark: Summa Cum Laude. 20 Oct.
  • (2008). Margarida Isabel de Oliveira Vale de Gato, "Edgar Allan Poe em translação: entre textos e sistemas, visando as Rescritas na Lírica Moderna em Portugal". Co-supervision with Professor João Ernesto de Almeida Flor). Final Mark: Summa Cum Laude. 14 July.
  • (2007). Diana Vieira de Campos Almeida, "Os contornos da palavra e da luz: ´storytelling´ e fotografia nos contos de Eudora Welty". Final Mark: Summa Cum Laude. 22 March.
  • (2006). Orquídea Maria Moreira Ribeiro, “‘Lyin’ her Way through Fiction’. Fiction and Folklore in the Work of Zora Neal Hurston”. Final Mark: Summa Cum Laude. July.

Further supervision:

  • (2012). Ana Filipa Cerqueira, "A comparative textual analysis of an excerpt from Barack Obama’s Dreams from my Father and its Portuguese translation, A minha herança" (co-supervision with Professor Alexandra Assis Rosa). 17 Jan.
  • (2010). Denise Maria Filipe dos Santos Alves, "Autobiographical marks in Rothko’s painting and Lilian Helman’s text" (co-supervision with Professor Isabel Fernandes). 12 April.
  • (2010). Rita Nabais, "Edward Scisorhands de Tim Burton: um conto de fadas gótico?" (co-supervison with Professor Isabel Fernandes). 5 April.
  • (2010). Manuel da Fonseca de Sam Bento Ribeiro, "Espelhando a Mente: para uma análise do espaço psicológico em Lolita de Vladimir Nabokov e das suas manifestações visuais em Lolita: A Screenplay de Vladimir Nabokov e em Lolita: The Book of the Film de Stephen Shiff". 12 February.
  • (2010). Suzana Simões Reis Alves Ramos, "Da beleza transgressora: perseguições da identidade em Lolita e Morte em Veneza". 10 February.
  • (2008). Jorge Eduardo Radburn Nunes, "A reabilitação da imagem dos ìndios no cinema americano: desde 1970 até hoje". 15 July.
  • (2008). Diana Anselmo Sequeira, "Impossible Intimacy. Discovering the Cultural Interplay between New and Old Worlds in Vladimir Nabokov´s Lolita". 27 March.
  • (2007). Patrícia Alves de Carvalho Lobo, "Sandra Cisneros: a ficção no cruzamento de fronteiras". 12 September.
  • (2007). Anabela Fernandes Duarte, "Identidade e conspiração em The New York Trilogy de Paul Auster" (co-supervision with Professor Helena Carvalhão Buescu). 27 March.
  • (2007). Carlos Manuel Romão da Silva, "A natureza, os mitos e a busca da identidade em The Way to Rainy Mountain e The Names de N. Scott Momaday". 19 March.
  • (2006). Elsa de Jesus Ventura Rosado, "Zora Neale Hurston: uma voz universal". 6 March.
  • (2003). Supervision of Maria de Fátima Vilela Louro, "O Sul e o Gótico em Carson McCullers". 6 Jan.
  • (2001). Supervision of Maria Helena da C. Ribeiro Gomes da Silva, "O mundo de Ralph Ellison. A travessia da realidade para o sonho como marca da História". 17 May.
  • (2000). Supervision of Manuel José Branquinho Gomes, "So Far From God de Ana Castillo. Viagens e fugas". 4 Dec.
  • (2000). Supervision of Elda Marisa Serrão e Silva, "Ceremony de Leslie Marmon Silko. Testemunhos de um mundo frágil". 28 April.
  • (2000). Supervision of Diana Vieira de Campos Almeida, "Raymond Carver. Polaroids da América". 29 March.
  • (1999). Supervision of Margarida Isabel de Oliveira Vale de Gato, "(Dis)cursos da ausência em William Faulkner. Variações e repercussões no escritor português António Lobo Antunes". 28 July.
  • (1996). Supervision of Ana Cláudia Dias Gomes de Castro, "The Bonfire of the Vanities: Uma Nova Leitura da Tradição Realista no Romance Americano". 26 Nov.
  • (1996). Supervision of Ana Maria L. Teixeira Leite, "Knots - A Tessitura do “Eu” em The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts de Maxine H. Kingston". 28 June.
  • (1996). Supervision of Orquídea Maria Moreira Ribeiro, "History and Fiction in Beloved and Jazz". 17 May.
  • (1996). Supervision of Júlia Antunes Rosário Garcia da Rocha, Long Day’s Journey Into Light”: Análise da Busca de Sentido e do Sentido da Busca na Obra de O’Neill. 29 March.

Books, including single-authored works (including scholarly editions of oral or written texts and translations with introductions and commentary):

  • (2013). Portugal Pelo Mundo Disperso. Lisboa: Tinta-Da-China.
  • (2011). Narrating the Portuguese Diaspora: Piecing Things Together. New York: Peter Lang.
  • (2007). And gladly wolde [s]he lerne and gladly teche”: Homenagem a Júlia Dias Ferreira, Lisboa: Colibri.
  • (2006). From the Edge/Onde a Terra Acaba. Lisboa: 101 Noites / CEAUL.
  • (2004). Cânone e Diversidade: Um Ensaio sobre a Literatura e a Cultura dos EUA. Lisboa: Colibri.
  • (2002). Feminine Identities. Lisboa: Colibri.
  • (2000). Ceremonies and Spectacles. Performing American Culture, co-ed. Amsterdam: VU UP.
  • (1999). Walt Whitman: “Not only summer. but all seasons”. Lisboa: Colibri.
  • (1999). Co-author. Literatura Norte-Americana. Lisboa, U Aberta.
  • (1994). Colóquio Herman Melville. Lisboa: Colibri.
  • (1985). Miss Corações-Solitários seguido de O Dia dos Gafanhotos. Transl., Preface and Notes to Nathanael West, Miss Lonelyhearts and The Day of the Locust. Lisboa: D. Quixote.

Conference proceedings:

  • (2004). "Fashioning One´s Life After a Land of Lost Borders". Novas Histórias Literárias/New Literary Histories. Coimbra, 223-9.
  • (2001). "Across Te Seas Into a Sea of Words: The fictions of Miguéis, Fernandes/Oates and Gaspar". Actas do I Congresso Internacional de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses. Lisboa, 6-8 May, 747-757.
  • (1997). “Weave your Life into a Tale and Become a Storyteller”. Actas do XVIII Encontro da APEAA. Guarda, 698-708.
  • (1995). "Through the Bellovian Imagination: Some Notes on the Development of the American Novel”. Actas do XIV Encontro da APEAA. Coimbra, 325-334.
  • (1993). "Emerson and the Riddle of the Sphinx". Cadernos de Estudos Anglo-Americanos: Primeira Jornada de Estudos Românticos - Shelley, 3. Lisboa, 97-104.
  • (1992). "Straggling Plots: A Metaphorical Framing to Bellow’s ‘Moronic Inferno’ and ‘Terra Incognita’". Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos, 3. Lisboa, 71-80.
  • (1982). “O grotesco e o sonho americano”, Ficção Narrativa: Discurso Crítico e Discurso Literário. Actas do III Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos. Porto, 151-166.

Chapters in books, including contributions to conference proceedings, contributions to festschriften, essays in collections:

  • (2013). "Disquietude or the Leap into the Sea". A Scholar for All Seasons: Volume de Homenagem a João de Almeida Flor. Lisboa: CEAUL/DEA, 929-945.
  • (2012).“What We Talk About When We Talk About America”. America Where? Transatlantic Views of the United States in the Twenty –First Century. Eds. Isabel Caldeira, Maria José Canelo, Irene Ramalho Santos. Bern: Peter Lang, 139-149.
  • (2011). “A Poetics of Disquietude for Gaspar’s Tales of the Soul.” In Narrating the Portuguese Diaspora. Piecing Things Together. New York: Peter Lang, 83-98. http://www.frankgaspar.com/articles/alves.html
  • (2009). “Between Worlds: A Convergence of Kindred Lives”. ‘So long lives this, and this gives life to thee’: Homenagem a Maria Helena de Paiva Correia. Alcinda Sousa et al (eds.). Lisboa: DEA-FLUL/Edições Colibri, 755-764.
  • (2007).“Accordes Medievais e Renascentistas em Frank X. Gaspar”. ‘And gladly wolde [s]he lerne and gladly teche’: Homenagem a Júlia Dias Ferreira. Teresa F. A. Alves et al (eds.). Lisboa: DEA-FLUL/Edições Colibri, 735-752.
  • (2006). “Women’s Autobiographies: Twentieth-Century American Inscriptions”. America in the Course of Human Events: Presentations and Interpretations. Josef Jarab, et al (eds.). Amsterdam: VU UP, 187-199.
  • (2005).“Auto-Retrato a chiaroscuro em fundo de crise”, Viagens pela palavra: livro de Homenagem â Professora Maria Laura Bettencourt Pires. Ed. Mário Avelar. Lisboa: U Aberta, 293-305.
  • (2005). “George Monteiro Through José Rodrigues Miguéis’ Looking Glass”. George Monteiro: The Discrete Charm of a Portuguese-American Scholar. Eds. Onésimo T. Almeida and Alice R. Clemente. Providence, Rhode Island: Gávea-Brown, 98-108.
  • (2002). “Autobiographies of Women in the Promised Land”. Feminine Identities. Cadernos de Anglística 5, Luísa Flora, Teresa Cid, Teresa F. A. Alves (eds.) Lisboa: ULICES/Edições Colibri, 133-160.
  • (2000).“Gazing at the River, Throwing the Line, Daring the Waters”, Rivers and the American Experience. Jerzy Durczak (ed.). Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press, 13-33.
  • (2000). O conto americano como oficina da arte de narrar”. A Palavra e o Canto. Miscelânea de Homenagem a Rita Iriarte. Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 301-308.
  • (1990). "The Bonfire of the Vanities: A (Pre)text for Musing upon the Nature of Realism". Runa / Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Germanísticos. Número Especial de Homenagem ao Professor Dr. Olívio Caeiro. 13/14. Lisboa, 383-391.
  • (1985)."Reflexão sobre a Escola Crítica de Chicago". Miscelânea de Estudos dedicados a Fernando de Mello Moser. Lisboa: Comissão Científica do Depart. de Estudos Anglo-Americanos, 383-391.
  • (1991). "As Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn". Panorama da Literatura Universal, vol. II. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores & Bertelsmann Lexikotek Verlag,  111-113. 
  • (1991). "Vai, Desce Moisés". Panorama da Literatura Universal, vol II. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores & Bertelsmann Lexikotek Verlag, 192-194.

Performances and exhibitions to the extent that they embody research:

  • (2008-2009). Exhibition Curator of “Arte Norte-Americana na FLUL: Em Torno de Joseph Cornell”, U Lisboa, 18 Dec., 2008 – 7 Jan., 2009.
  • (2008). Exhibition Co-Curator of “Narrativa e Diáspora Portuguesa 1928-2008/Narrative and Portuguese Diaspora 1928-2008”, Reitoria UL, 23-30 Oct.

Other research outputs:

  • (2013). “Vozes Portuguesas na América/Portuguese Voices in America”. Review of Luso-American Literature: Writings by Portuguese-Speaking Authors in North America. Eds. Henry Moser and António L. A. Tosta. Paralelo: Fundação Luso-Americana-FLAD, 93.
  • (2013). IJPDS – International Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies, Vol 1. Eds. Irene Maria Blayer (Brock Univ.) and Dulce Maria Scott (Anderson Univ.) at the joint conference venture, Neither Here Nor There, Yet Both: Intenational Conference on the Luso-American Experience (Lisbon, July 11-13, 2013) and Exploring the Portuguese Diaspora in INTERDISCIPLINARY and Comparative Perspectives: An International Conference, Indianapolis, 25-27. 
  • (2012). Cine Qua Non: Bilingual Arts Magazine (6) Spring/Summer, ’12 (co-launch. with Teresa Cid at Teatro do Silêncio, Lavadouro de Carnide 23 Nov.
  • (2009). “Review” of O Nascimento de uma Nação (nas Origens da Literatura Americana) by Mário Avelar. Op. Cit.: Uma Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos/ A Journal of Anglo-American Studies 11 , 188-90.
  • (2009). Selection and translation. of excerpts from Charles Reis Felix’s, Frank X. Gaspar and Katherine Vaz for dramatized reading at the National Theatre D. Maria II, Lisbon, June 30.
  • (2008). O Nascimento de uma Nação (Nas origens da Literatura Americana), da autoria de Mário Avelar (Book launch FNAC 16 Out.)
  • (2008-2009). “Arte Norte-Americana na FLUL: Em Torno de Joseph Cornell”. Introduction to the Catalogue for the Exhibition at the Library of FLUL. Lisboa, 18 Dec., 2008 – 7 Jan., 2009).
  • (2003). “Brâmane”, Co-transl. of the poem by Ralph Wado Emerson “Brahma”. Estudos Anglo-Portugueses – Livro de Homenagem a Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa (co-author) Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 535-536.

Organisation of scientific dissemination activities:

  • (2013). Neither Here Nor There, Yet Both: The Luso-American Experience, U Lisboa, 11-13 July.
  • (2012). Changing Times: Performances and Identities on Screen, U Lisboa, 7-9 Nov.
  • (2011). Women and the Arts: Dialogues in Female Creativity in the U. S. and Beyond, U Lisboa, 15-17 June.
  • (2011). Co-Org. Two workshop panels on American Studies (with Teresa Cid, Isabel Caldeira and Maria José Canelo): 32nd APEAA Conference, U Coimbra, 12-14 May. 
  • (2010). Mark Twain – 1910-2010. [An International Colloquium on the occasion of Mark Twain’s Death Centennial], U Lisboa,8 Oct.
  • (2010). Do you Bowles? [A conference on the Life and Work of Paul Bowles], U Lisboa, 21-23 Oct.
  • (2009). Co-director of Post-Racial America – Has the USA Moved Beyond the Race Issue? International Symposium, U Lisboa, 6-12 Nov.
  • (2009). Poe and Gothic Creativity: International Symposium, U Lisboa, 18-20 March. 
  • (2008). Narrating The Portuguese Diaspora /1928-2008: International Conference on Storytelling, U Lisboa, 23-25 Oct.
  • (2008). Co-org. “Between Worlds: The USA at the crossroads of the seas / Entre Mundos: os Estados Unidos no cruzamento das rotas oceânicas” 2 workshop sessions (with Teresa Cid) in From Brazil to Macao: Travel Writing and Diasporic Space, U Lisboa, 10-14 Sept.  
  • (2006). Views from the Edge: The Short Story Revisited/ 9th International Conference on the Short Story in English, U Lisboa, 21-25 June.
  • (2000). Nature’s Nation Reconsidered: American Concepts of Nature from Wonder to Ecological Crisis – EAAS Biennial Conference, Graz, 14-17 April.
  • (1999). Org. and coord. “Re-crossing Borders: Assessing American Multi-Ethnic Society and Literature Back Home”, Crossing Borders ASA / CAAS Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 30 Oct.
  • (1998). Ceremonies and Spectacles: America and the Staging of Collective IdentitiesEAAS Biennial Conference, U Lisboa, 3-6 April.
  • (1996). American Culture and Its Impact 1946-1996 - EAASBiennial Conference, Warsaw, 21-24 March.
  • (1994). The Insular Dream: Obsession and Resistance – EAAS Biennial Conference, Luxembourg, 25-28 March.
  • (1993). Co.org. with FLAD Panel with Saul Bellow Read paper introducing his literary work and invited the 1976 Nobel Laureate to speak at Instituto de Cultura Americana – ICA/U Lisboa, 30 April; 3 May.

Other activities:

  • Member of the following associations: APEAA (Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-americanos), APLC (Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada), EAAS (European Association for American Studies), ASA (American Studies Association), SSSS (Society for the Study of the Short Story).
  • (2012). Member of FLAD’s Gregory Rabassa and Alberto Lacerda’s Translation Program Panel.
  • (2012). Editorial Board of the International Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies - IJPDS.
  • (2007). Board Member of The Society for the Study of the Short Story – SSSS.

Presentations in international conferences

By invitation:

  • (2004)."Women’s Autobiographies: Twentieth-Century American Inscriptions". Parallell lecture. 2004 Biennial EAAS Conference - America in the Course of Human Events: Presentations and Interpretations, Prague, 3 April.
  • (1998). "Readings and Misreadings of the Fifties: A Paper in Progress". Org.Prof. George Monteiro at the Dept. of English, Brown U, 3 Dec.
  • (1998). "Women Writers and the Postmodern Canon". Org. Prof. Rita Marinho, Vice President of U South Carolina Spartanburg, 20 Nov.
  • (1998). "‘Some Enchanted Evening’: Tuning in the Amazing 50s, Switching off the Elusive Decade". American Studies International Meeting. Org. Prof. Luis Gustavo Girón Echevarria, Depto. de Filologia Inglesa Y Alemana da Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, U Extremadura, 20 March.
  • (1995). “ Kingston’s The Woman Warrior at the crossroads of memoir and storytelling”. American Autobiography Program. University of Southern Maine, Org. Prof. Kathleen Ashley, Portland, 10 April.
  • (1995). “Ethnic Heritage in the Multicultural Age: the Fictions of Kingston, Morrison and Silko”. American Studies Program at the University of PennState, Delaware. Org. Carol Farley Kessler, 12 April.

By submission:

  • (2013). “Shadows and Radiance: Challenging Dualities in Gaspar’s poetry”. Exploring the Portuguese Diaspora in InterDISCIPLINARY and Comparative Perspectives. An International Conference, Indanapolis, 25-27 July.
  • (2012.) “From Geography Into Metaphor: Onésimo Almeida’s Tales from the Tenth Island.” 12th International Conference on the Short Story in English, North Little Rock, USA, 27- 30 June. 
  • (2010). "Portuguese Short Stories in English? Hélia Correia's "Doroteia' (2008) and Teolinda Gersão's "The Red Fox Fur Coat'" (presented with Teresa Cid). 11th International Conference on the Short Story in English, Toronto, 16-19 June.
  • (2008). "‘The Bend of the Wind’. Translating the short story 'À Esquina do Vento’ by José Rodrigues Miguéis”. 10th International Conference on the Short Story in English, “The Lonely Voice”, Cork, Ireland 19-21 June.
  • (2008). “Bridging Cultures: Translation as Trope and Portuguese American Ethnicity”. EAAS Biennial Conference “E pluribus unum” or “E pluribus plura”?, Oslo, 9-12 May.
  • (2006). “Towards the Paradoxes of Americanization. Views from Inside and Out.” ASA Annual Meeting/The United States from Inside and Out: Transnational American Studies, Oakland, CA, 12-15 Oct.
  • (2005). "The Commercial Fifties.” Roundtable on “Teaching the Fifties”. Cord.Richard Ellis and Gesa Mackenthun. ASA Annual Meeting/Groundwork: Space and Place in American Cultures, Washington DC, 3-6 Nov.
  • (2004). "Cultural Crossroading: From the Azorean Pico into the American Shores”, The not so invisible minority - Portuguese Americans and the American Scene. / ASA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 11-14 Nov.
  • (2002). “The Self and the Other in Miguéis’s Poetics of the Short Story,” Globalization and the Short Story: 7th International Conference on the Short Story in English, New Orleans, 12-15 July.
  • (2002). “Modernist Narrative Poetics in José Rodrigues Miguéis,”Other Triangular Routes: Voices from the Ragged Edges/ The Modernist Association Fourth Annual Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, 31 Oct. - 2 Nov.
  • (2000). “Heresies and Acknowledged Devotions: the Short Story as a Workshop for the Art of Fiction”: Short Fiction 2000 – Sixth International Conference on the Short Story in English, U Iowa, Iowa City, 12-15 Oct.

Presentations in national conferences

By invitation:

  • (2013). “Adding Wings to the Unbearable Weight of Words” - Plenary Lecture - 34nd APEAA Annual Conference – Academy as Community: English and American Studies in Portugal and Europe, U Lisboa, 9-10 May.
  • (2010). “Confissões de Santo Agostinho” Ciclo de Conferências sobre O Livro da Minha Vida: Emoções inesquecíveis, prazeres renovados, Org. Fernanda Mota Alves e Gerd Hammer, U Lisboa, 29 April.
  • (2010). "Across the visionary dreams and words of Lincoln, King and Obama into the celebration of the Black History Month", U Lisboa, 25 Feb.
  • (2009). “What We Talk About When We Talk About America.” American Studies International Colloquium America Where?. Transatlantic Scholarship in Search of the United States of America in the Twenty-first Century. American Studies International Colloquium, U Coimbra, 13 June.
  • (2009). “Em Torno de Joseph Cornell – Arte Norte-Americana na FLUL” Ciclo de Conferências: De que é que falamos quando falamos da América, ICA/U Lisboa, 30 April.
  • (2008). “Interrogando o Lugar dos Estados Unidos da América na Faculdade de Letras” Última Lição, U Lisboa, 18 Dec.
  • (2005). “Falando de Cânones”. Instituto de Filosofia Prática: Ciclo de Conferências sobre Narrativa e Identidade, U Beira Interior, 19 May.
  • (1999). "Vozes de mulheres nas rotas de uma (outra) cartografia da América". Master’s Program in American Studies supervised by Prof. Isabel Caldeira, U Coimbra, 27 Oct.
  • (1993). “Henry James’s Cultural Identity: The Forthcoming Generations” Guestspeaker at Dept Línguística e Literaturas, U Évora, 17 Dec.
  • (1983). "Eugene O'Oneill: encenação de uma autobiografia", lecture supporting the performance of Long Day’s Journey into Night. Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, 9 June.

By submission:

  • (2013). “The Woman’s Angle in Portuguese American Autobiography” Neither Here Nor There, Yet Both: The Luso-American Experience, U Lisboa, 11-13 July.
  • (2012).“Xavier Beauvois and Terrence Malick: Two Cinematographic Attempts at Revelation”. Changing Times: Performances and Identities on Screen, U Lisboa, 7-9 Nov.

Future research:

  • 2014 – Symposium in association with the “American Corner” at the FLUL Library.
  • 2014-2020 - Participation in the Group Project Emerson’s invitation: the challenge to (re)invent ourselves in cultural objects so as to interact with the surrounding world.” The group project includes one symposium (Oct. 2014) and one publication articulating three vectors: (1) Literature and other universes – textualities, imagination and history; (2) Creative Reading – the freedom and courage to read ourselves in the world (3) Production and esthetic circulation in the USA — visual arts, exhibitions, sites(ex. Artsy), museums, etc.
  • 2014-2020 - Collaborative research concerning the three Thematic Lines of ULICES.
  • 2015 – IJPDS InterDisciplinary Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies special volume, co-editor.
  • 2015 – publication of the English translation of: José Rodrigues Miguéis’ “À esquina do vento”.
  • 2016 – publication of critical volume about the lyrical and fictional work of Portuguese American writer Frank X Gaspar.
  • Ongoing PhD Supervision: Rute Júlia de Oliveira Beirante, “Diálogos atlânticos no conto melvilliano” (Co-supervisor: George Monteiro, Brown U); Anabela F. Duarte sobre a ficção e a música em Paul Bowles (Co-supervisor: Mário Vieira de Carvalho, U Nova Lisboa); Rui Azevedo on the Luso-American autobiography; Ana Maria Teixeira Leonardo Leite, “An analysis of feminine identitiy such as fashioned in two contemporary Japanese American writers” (Co-supervisor: TCid, U Lisboa); Patrícia Lobo, “Gloria Anzaldúa, Sandra Cisneros e Ana Castillo: Chicanas em busca de um Território. (Co.supervisor Alexandra Assis Rosa, U Lisboa).



    University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)

    Situs Togel Terbaik untuk Semua Jenis Permainan Toto

    Di situs kami, Anda dapat menikmati berbagai tipe permainan toto togel seperti 4D, 3D, 2D, colok bebas, angka tarung, colok naga, ganjil/genap, silang homo, dan lainnya. Pahami cara bermain setiap jenis permainan dan pilih yang paling sesuai dengan preferensi Anda. Situs Togel ini adalah pilihan utama bagi anda yang ingin bermain togel online.

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    Agen togel terpercaya menyediakan pasaran Sydney dan Hongkong, dua dari pasaran yang paling banyak diminati oleh penggemar togel. Kedua pasaran ini memiliki reputasi yang sangat baik dengan hasil yang adil dan transparan. Dengan memilih agen togel terpercaya, pemain dapat merasa tenang karena setiap taruhan yang dipasang akan dikelola secara profesional dan aman di Togel Terpercaya, serta memiliki peluang yang nyata untuk menang.

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    Bermain togel tidak harus mahal. Bo Togel Hadiah Terbesar kini hadir dengan opsi taruhan minimal hanya 100 rupiah, namun dengan kesempatan mendapatkan hadiah 2D hingga 200 ribu. Taruhan yang terjangkau ini memungkinkan siapa saja untuk menikmati permainan togel dengan tetap berpeluang mendapatkan hadiah menarik.

    Review Slot Gacor Paling Menguntungkan di 2024

    Banyak provider ternama Situs Slot Gacor seperti Pragmatic Play, Microgaming, dan Habanero menghadirkan berbagai tema menarik dalam permainan slot mereka, mulai dari petualangan hutan hingga peradaban kuno, sehingga pemain selalu menemukan hal baru setiap kali bermain.

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