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University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)
Alameda da Universidade
Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

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Monday - Thursday: 9.15am - 1.15pm and 2pm - 5pm



(00351) 21 792 00 92







Marijke Boucherie (Maria Josefa Godelieva Anna Boucherie Mendes)
Research Group: Other English-Speaking Literatures and Cultures (RG 4)
Professional Title: Assistant Lecturer (retired)
Academic Degrees: (1993). Ph.D. in Letters, English Literature, U Lisboa. 
Institutional Address: CEAUL - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa, Portugal
E-mail:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Research Projects:

  • (2012-...). Narrative & Medicine: (con)texts and practices across disciplines. Scient. Coor: IFernandes. (CEAUL/ULICES in collab: CFUL, CHC-UNL, CLP-UC, King’s College and U Paris Descartes). PTDC/CPC-ELT/3719/2012. Researcher.
  • (Nov. 2009-...). Interdisciplinary Program on Suffering and Pain. Scient. Coord: Smadar Bustan. (U Luxembourg). Researcher.

Research Outputs

Publications in peer reviewed journals and/or other publications:

  • (2011). “‘The Map is Not the Landscape’: Canadian and Other Landscapes in Jane Urquhart’s Novel A Map of Glass (2005).” Anglo-Saxónica. Series III. Nr. 2: 99-115.
  • (2011). “Interview with the Canadian writer Jane Urquhart.” Anglo-Saxónica. Series III. Nr. 2: 335-356.
  • (2011). “Introductory Note” and “Memorandum.” Anglo-Saxónica. Series III. Nr. 2: 11-15.
  • (2010). ‘“Disturbing to Others’: The Too Great Happiness of Alice Munro and Sophia Kovalesky.” Revisiones 06. Revista de crítica cultural: 143-155.
  • (2008). “Painting What Is Not There: Vision and Narrative in Mavis Gallant’s Short Story ‘The Doctor’.” Anglo-Saxónica. Series II. Nr. 26: 73-87.
  • (2003). “Peter Ibbetson or the Limbo of Memory.” Anglo-Saxónica. Series II. Nr. 18:  211-230.
  • (2002). “Dissemination: Dickens, David, Mr Dick and Derrida”. Anglo-Saxónica. Series II. Nr. 16/17: 381-408.
  • (2002). “ ‘Begging for Weakness’: Stevie Smith’s ‘Unser Vater’”. Anglo-Saxónica. Series II. Nr. 16/17: 53- 72.
  • (1998). “‘God the Eater’: Stevie Smith e Goya”. Anglo-Saxónica. Series II. Nr. 8/9: 305-324.
  • (1997). “Hamlet e Nuns and Soldiers de Iris Murdoch”. Anglo-Saxónica. Series II. Nr. 4 e 5: 63-73.

Further supervision:

  • (2012). Supervision of Sara Henriques, “Liquid Transparencies: O espaço temporal em Cat’s Eye de Margaret Atwood”, U Lisboa, (MA in Canadian Literature). Final mark: 18/20. 11 Feb.
  • (2008). Supervision of Fernando Barragão, “Contendo multidões: a variedade de vozes na poesia de Rudyard Kipling”, (MA in English Literature). Summa cum Laude. 8 Jan.
  • (2007) Supervision of Jane Duarte, “A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Margarida Vale do Gato’s Portuguese Translation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” (MA in Comparative Literature). Summa cum Laude. 11 Feb.
  • (2002). Supervision of Milena Pereira, “‘Do Olhar e do Cuidar’: A Poesia de U. A. Fanthorpe”, U Lisboa (MA in English Literature). Summa cum Laude. 8 Feb.
  • (1996). Supervison of Patrícia Couto, “‘Por Mares Nunca dantes Navegados’. Jan Johan Slauerhoff, Het verboden rijk”.  (MA in Comparative Literature, Dutch-Portuguese) Summa cum Laude. 16 Apr.

Chapters in books, including contributions to conference proceedings, contributions to festschriften, essays in collections:

  • (2013). “Short Story as Hagiography: Three Stories by Alice Munro: ‘Chance’, ‘Soon’ and ‘Silence’.” In CVFerreira et al (Eds.) A Scholar for all Seasons. Homenagem a João de Almeida Flor. CEAUL: U Lisboa, 259-276.
  • (2009). “Art and Virtue. ‘The Doctor’: A poem by U. A. Fanthorpe, a Painting by Sir Luke Fildes.” In APinheiroS et al (Eds.) “So Long Lives This and This Gives Live To Thee”. Homenagem a Maria Helena De Paiva Correia. U Lisboa, 631-649.
  • (2009). “Nonsense and Other Senses.” In Elisabetta Tarantino (Ed.) Nonsense and Other Senses. Regulated Absurdity in Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 259-274.
  • (2009). Rev. of “A Soft Muscle of Prayer.” In Sudden Routes of Experience. Thirty Poems from Duncan Harper. Kentville: Gaspereau Press.
  • (2008). “Sobrevoando a Corda Bamba.” Corda Bamba. Revista sobre criatividade. O desequilíbrio na tensão criativa. Text in catalogue of exclusive exhibition of the project Corda Bamba-Tightrope-Funambule, 18-23.
  • (2007). “ ‘Chagall is for Shopgirls”: Art and Memory in Alice Munro’s Story: ‘Soon’”. In CVFerreira et al. (Eds.)  A Tangled Web. Ideas, Images, Symbols. Lisbon, ULICES, 209-221.
  • (2007). “ Simply Simple Words: ‘The Beast of the Fat-Stock Show at Earls Court’; a poem by Stevie Smith. In TFAlves et al. (Eds.) “And gladly wolde [s]he lerne and gladly teche”. Homenagem a Júlia Dias Ferreira. Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 521-530.
  • (2004). “Hélio Alves, Edward Lear e George Cruikshank: uma Aliança Inusitada”. In LLFaria e TMalafaia (Eds.) O Lago de todos os Recursos. Homenagem a Hélio Osvaldo Alves. Lisboa: ULICES/CEAUL, 243-255.
  • (2004). “The Many Sides of Language: Some Are More Human than Others. A Sketchbook by Stevie Smith (1958).” Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of APEAA. Vila Real: UTAD. CD-Rom.
  • (2005). “On Victorian Nonsense and Postmodern Sense”. In Mário Avelar (Coord.) Viagens pelas palavras. Livro de Homenagem à Professora Maria Laura Bettencourt Pires. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, 257-264.
  • (2000). “As premissas românticas do conceito literário do Nonsense”. Maria Helena Serôdio et. al. (Eds.) Do Esplendor na Relva. Lisboa: Edições Cosmos, 69-76.
  • (2000). “Brief aan Moo.” Pedagogiek. Wetenschappelijk fórum voor opvoeding, onderwijs en vorming. 20e jaargang nr.4 (Dec.): 362-366.
  • (2000). “ ‘The Critic as Layman’: Iris Murdoch as Philospoher and Artist”. Actas. XXI Encontro da AEAA, 112-129.
  • (1996). “ ‘Joie de Vivre’: A Arte Romanesca de Iris Murdoch”. Actas. XVI Encontro da AEAA, Vila Real, 112-129.
  • (1988). “T. S. Eliot e ‘Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats”. Miscellaneous Collection of Studies dedicated to Irene Truninger de Albuquerque. Lisbon: 1988, 281-288.

Organisation of scientific dissemination activities:

  • (2011). Presentation of the Project “Narrative and Medicine” and of the Glossary for the forthcoming volume Fundamental Questions on Suffering and Pain, during the Second Workshop on Suffering and Pain. (Co-auth. IFernandes). U Luxemburg, 2-5 Jul.
  • (2009). Director of Org. Committee Int. Conf. From Sea to Sea: Canadian Literature and Culture in Lisbon, U Lisboa. 18-20 Nov.

Other activities

Presentations in national conferences

By invitation:

  • (2012). “Charles Dickens e a magia das palavras.” 200 Anos de Charles Dickens. Bicentenário do nascimento do Autor, Livraria Barata, 28 Feb.
  • (2010). “Literature and Mathematics.” (Co-auth. Manuel Silva). Conf. Matemática Com. Fátima Rodrigues (Org.). UN Lisboa, 30 Jan.
  • (2010). “When the noise drowns the wor(l)d.” Presentation at the First Int. Medicine and Narrative Conf., U Lisboa, 13-14 Sep.
  • (2002). “Nonsense als communicatiemiddel”. Voor de “Orde van den Prince”. Afdeling Prinsbisdom, Liège: 28 Feb.
  • (2002). “I Play, Therefore I Am”: The Grand Elementary Principle of Pleasure and the Victorian Literature of Nonsense. Plenary Session at the 1st Meeting of Studies in Romanticism. FLUP: 21 Mar.
  • (2002). “Interview with Anne Provoost, Flemish writer of Young Adult Literature”. Bijeenkomst van docenten Neerlandistiek in Zuid-Europa, Turkije en Israel. 25-26 Mar.: 25 Mar.
  • (1997). “Mirad, een jongen van Bosnie” Apresentação da peça de Ad de Bondt. First Encounter of Dutch and Flemish Writers. 22-24 March: 24 Mar.


  • (2013). “’My crap, my spirituality’.” The complexity of love in Alice Munro’s story ‘Deep-Holes’ (2009).” Int. Conf. Esthetics and Spirtuality. Places of Interiority, Kathlolieke U Leuven, 16-18 May.
  • (2012). “A Little White Bird (1902) or the impossible birth of Peter Pan.” Int. Science Fiction and Fantasy Conf. Messengers from the Stars- Episode II, U Lisboa, 27-30 Nov.
  • (2012). “Charles Dickens and the theatricals of language.” Conf. Leituras dramáticas de Charles Dickens, U Lisboa, 8-9 Mar.
  • (2011). Round table with Fátima Vieira, Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira and Sofia de Melo Araújo on Booklaunch of Fátima Vieira and Sofia Melo Araújo (coord.). Iris Murdoch. Philosopher meets Novelist, Livraria Ler Devagar, 13 Nov.
  • (2010). “Thrippsy Pillivinx, Blue Elephants and Other Airy Nothings.” Int. Fantasy and SF Conf. Mensageiro das Estrelas, U Lisboa, 2-5 Nov.
  • (2009). “Making Connections. The Hard Work of Memory in Alice Munro’s The View from Castle Rock”. 30th APEAA Conf, U Porto, 19-21 Feb.

Future research:

  • (2013). “Charles Dickens’s Bicentenary and Other Anniversaries: Edward Lear, Robert Browning, T. S. Eliot and James Joyce. A Reader’s Story”. Revisiones 08. Revista de crítica cultural. U Navarra. Autumn.
  • (2013). “Non-Review”. (Review of La Isla Tuerta. 49 poetas britânicos (1946-2006). Selección, traducción, prólogo y notas de Matías Serra Bradford. Barcelona: Lumen, 2009. 544p.). Revisiones 08. Revista de crítica cultural. U Navarra. Autumn.
  • (2013). “‘A Flor de Pedra’: acerca da poesia de Maria Vasalis.” In Augusto, Maria Celeste and Patricia Couto (Eds.) Festschrift for Dr. Luís Fabião. Amsterdam / Lisbon.
  • (2014) (Co-org) with TCasal, LFalcão, SHenriques, PHorta, MMartins, JPage and ZSanches. Conf. Representations of Home. ULICES, U Lisboa, 25-27 Sept.





    University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)

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